Bad bitch

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(Mila's whole outfit)

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(Mila's whole outfit)


Me and Riley were in the hallway talking about prom. "Hey did you get your prom dress?" Riley asked me. "Yeah, me and my older sister went shopping for it and everything else." I answered her. "Can I see it maybe?" She asked me. "Can you come over on the day of prom to get ready with me?" I asked her. "You can come over to my house and get ready with me?" She asked me. "Yeah of course, can my older sister and mom come too?" I ask Riley. "Yeah of course, your mom can spend time with my step mom and your sister can help us." Riley said. "Okay, thank you so much." I told her. "You're welcome" Riley said with a big smile on her face. I haven't talked to Gavin in a few days, and prom is in 2 days. I should find him, and probably talk to him about stuff. As I was walking to find him all I could think about was the stuff that is happening to Gia, I'm gonna miss her so much. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard someone yell me name. When I looked back I saw Erika walking towards me. "Yes. What do you need?" I asked her. "Did Gia actually get rid of the video?" She asked me. "What video?" I asked her. "The video from the party that I asked her to get rid of, do you know if she did it?" She asked me again. "Oh, I don't know. I haven't talked to her since that night, I can ask her if you want me too?" I asked her. I had to be nice, even though I didn't want to be. "Yes please. Omg, you and Gia are lifesavers. Thank you so much!" She said to me. "You're welcome, I guess." I said her. "Okay, bye"she said to me and then walked away. That was weird. I started to walk again to find Gavin, when I found him he was with is friends sitting at a picnic table. "Hey, Gavin?" I asked him when I got closer to him. "Yeah? What do you need?"he asked me. "Um, are we still going to prom together? They fixed it the best they could." I asked him. "Yeah, what color are we doing again?" He asked me. "Light Pink" I said to him. "Okay, well I gotta go and talk to Gia. Bye!" I said to him and his friends. "Bye!" They all said together.

*Third person POV*
(With Gavin & his friends)

They all watched as mila walked away. "You are one lucky guy Gavin. She is so nice, and she's really pretty." Raven said to Gavin. "Yeah, I did" Gavin said with a smile on his face. "I wish I could take away all her pain, and find a way that Gia could not fade away. Then she would be very happy, and I like to see her happy." Gavin said to them. "Ohhh... So you're in love with mila?" Brad asked. "Yeah, I guess I am." Gavin said with a smile.



I was just laying on my bed when I got a text from Erika.


Hey, I'm so so sorry I've been acting like a bitch to you and Gia. I don't know what went through my head, i guess I was just to sucked up in to being popular and famous that I forgot that I had friends that actually cared about me. I know this is the greatest apology but I want to try my hardest before Gia fades away, and I know how much she means to you since you guys have been best friends forever so I need your help. And I'm sorry for always being a bitch to you, you were always so sweet to me and i forgot you were a person to so I thought I could be mean to you.


Hey Erika, it's okay I promise. I can help you guys become friends again at prom because I think that's her unfinished business. And it's okay, i forgive you. You didn't mean to be rude to me it just happens.


Thank you so much mila! I owe you everything.

That was very different, but I'm glad that she's done with being stuck up and everything. It pained me to see one of my best friends lose their selves.


That is the end of this chapter!!
Next chapter is just going to be getting ready for prom and everything because why not? Also I'm probably going to make another book about this show and Gavin because this didn't have the plot that I wanted, I kinda just made it up on the way. But thank you for reading vote and comment if you want too, love you guys 🫶🏼

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