Bitch slapped

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"It's party time!" All three girls said while squealing. They all walked downstairs, watching everyone dance to the music. "Yes! Every group is repped tonight" Gia said. "And it's a full blown rager." Erika said." There he is. I'm gonna ask him to prom so I don't spend eternity in a lava lamp. Here I go. Wish me luck." Erika said. " You don't need it." Mila said, while her and Gia started to walk away doing their own thing." Erika. Hey! We missed you at our last meeting, don't feel bad about eating Jesus's face. He forgives you, and you're welcome back anytime." The random girl from the new lifers club said. " Amazing" Erika said." We left a DD sign up sheet over by the door, but josh lost our sharpie." The girl said. " Oh well, sharpies are in the basket it- in the kitchen" Jake C said, cutting off Erika. " That's not where they are."Erika said. [tsk, sighs] well, i don't really care. Cause it's my turn to bother you." Jake C said.

(Mila's POV)

I was walking around at the party trying to figure out something to do, while Erika spends her time with JakeC and I don't know where Gia is. Probably doing something with Jake W or whatever. Don't know how they can like the Jakes, but you know, I like someone who is into spooky stuff. Which reminds me, I wonder if he came to the party. But as soon as I went to walk again I ran into a very big wall. "Oh. Sorry wall, I guess." I said. " Oh, I'm a walk now?" Someone said. And I looked up and guess who it was. FREAKING GAVIN. "Oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you, I'm so sorry." I said to him. "Hey, don't worry about it. I was just joking with you." Gavin said." Oh. Okay" I said. " Well i need to go. I have to go find Gia or someone. Have you seen her?" I asked him." No, but I can walk with you to find her." He said. " Ok, I guess we should start looking for her. I'm pretty sure she is with one of the jakes. I still don't know how they can like the Jakes, their so self absorbed." I said, starting to ramble on about them. " Oh, well you like someone who is into ghost and stuff." Gavin said. " I'm still wondering how it got out." I said. " Let's just go upstairs." Gavin said." Yeah, sure. Okay." I said. We started walking upstairs, and we walked into Gia's room. I saw somebody in there, and they said. "Get out." The person said. " Oh sorry" Gavin said. "Gia, is that you? Are you okay?" I asked her." No. Everyone keeps saying how amazing 'Erika's winter wonderland' is, when we helped her. Why can't they just add our names too?" Gia said, while starting to get up. " Hey, Gia, This is our party too. Erika should've added our names to, but this wasn't even a planned party. Not saying that it's okay, but you shouldn't think about what they are saying. They can say whatever they want to and you shouldn't let it bother you. You are better than them. So clean yourself up like the queen you are, and don't let them ruin your party." I said to her. " you're right mila. I shouldn't let them tear me down over something stupid. You are a amazing friend I don't know what I would do without you, let's hangout with the little bit of time I have left?" She asked me. "Yeah of course, I'm glad I could be here for you." I said. "Okay, well I'm going to go downstairs, and see everyone is up to." Gia said. "Okay, don't do anything I wouldn't do." I told her. Gia started to walk out of the room, when I realized that she said the little bit of time she has left. "Did you hear her? She said with the little bit of time she has left." I told Gavin. " Yeah, so. What about it?" He asked me. "I think what happens to Erika actually happened to Gia, but Gia isn't gonna tell us that till it get's late. And when she doesn't have time." I told him. " Oh my god. I need to go down there. I'm so sorry." I said to him. " Hey, it's okay. Be with your friend." He said to me while give me a kiss on my forehead. " Okay, thank you." I said. " Wait actually, come here for a sec." He hold me. " Huh?" I said while walking over to him. He started to lean in, and so did I. And then our lips collided together( IM SO SORRY I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE THESE SCENES OMG) They kiss lasted into a make out session. " Okay. You can go now." He said calmly. "Okay, um, bye!" I said, still shocked from what happened. I started to walk out the room and sat on the steps, while watching Gia & Erika have the best time of their life's. Why can't they include me? What did I do wrong?  Then I just left the party, they probably didn't want me here. They probably invited me because they felt bad.

That's the end of this chapter, it's very something else that's what i will say. This is my first time writing a book, as you can tell. And it sucks. But um, let me know how you feel about it. I'm just realizing that I might have skipped in episode but that was my netflix's fault not mine, sorry


Look at this freaking adorable picture

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Look at this freaking adorable picture. I want a cat. Someone buy me one and I will love you forever,,, okay bye now

other girl, gavin: boo bitchWhere stories live. Discover now