Bitch bye

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(This is Mila's outfit before prom happens )

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(This is Mila's outfit before prom happens )

Third person POV

"Hi guys! It's finally prom. We are getting glammed up and SPANXed up for our big night! Oh. You can't wear three pairs, Soph. You wont be able to breathe." Lea's voiced played on Erika's phone.

+1(206) 028-8080
It's Gavin. I know Gia's dead.
Coming over

How do you Gia's dead?
Did Mila tell you?

No. I guess it when my friends didn't see her at the party. Why wouldn't Mila tell me? I thought she trusted me?

Oh, sorry.
I will keep that between you guys.


Gavin know Gia's dead.
Why didn't you tell him?
(2 screenshot)

I didn't know he was going to guess it.
I will be over in 15 minutes. Tops.


Mila put on the outfit above ⬆️
"Bye mom, love you!" Mila shouted. " Love you too!" Her mom shouted back. She ran to Erika's house and got there in five minutes, probably why her mom wanted to join track. As soon as I got there I saw Gavin and Erika, "oh man. I thought I would have got here before you." Mila said out of breath. "Ok. My question is, why are you running?" Erika asked me. "Oh well you see, I wanted to be here first so I had to run. And let me just tell you, that didn't work." Mila said. "Obviously." Gavin said. "Okay shush, not everyone has long legs like you. Mr. Tall man." Mila said. "Okay guys let's focus." Erika said. "Yes mom." Mila said. Erika just playfully rolled her eyes at her best friend.

*before Gavin & mila got there*
"There's no use in denying it, Erika." Brad said. "All your questions about ghost, then Gavin talking about your friend who showed up at the cemetery with you, but you were alone that night. And only Gavin, a known medium, can see Gia. It took us a minute but we figured it out. Gia's dead and a ghost, and we're gonna find her. Or what's left of her." Brad said while walking away from the door.

"You gotta get you friends to back off. Gia's getting weaker, which means we're running out of time." Mila said. "Then she's probably near her body." Gavin said. "Gia won't ascend unless she finishes her UFB. But what is her UFB?" Erika questioned. "It's gotta be something personal, insignificant, might be considered lame to others." Erika continued to say. Mila stop in her tracks. "It's prom. She's always wanted to go to prom, and it also has to include me and you because we are the only other people who can see her. Bedsides Gavin, since he's a medium or whatever." Mila said to them. "We have to find her!" Erika said. "I'll send Brad on a wild dove chase." Gavin said to them.

other girl, gavin: boo bitchWhere stories live. Discover now