the apocalypse p3

19 2 2

Narrator pov:

Moon had lead the trio to the security office to get them their employee ID's, and clearance cards so the Glamrocks wouldn't... ya know.... tare the intruders limb from limb?

After the last Zombie incident a year ago, the Glamrocks had orders to tare apart anyone who wasn't an employee... and Moon was given the directive to check on the front every few hours as well as access to the security cameras.

"What Fazwatch's would you like new hires...?" Moon spoke quietly as he pointed to the anamatronic themed watches.

Dawn practically squealed as she pointed to a Chika inspired watch.

Orion however picked the discontinued Bonnie watch.

"That design was discovered after Bonnie's little... accident. We do however have one that was kept for the museum. It never made it there however.." Moon chuckled recalling the incidents that prolonged the task.

Needless to say Orion got his Bonnie watch.

"What are you gonna choose Mama?" Dawn asked Y/N.

Y/N shrugged. "First anamatronic I've ever met is Moon here, so Maybe one themed around him..?" She pondered.

Moon giggled before pulling out a sun and moon themed Fazwatch from the draw. "My counterpart and I share a watch design, so don't mind the Sunny side~!"

What a cheery fellow... Y/N thought to herself as she strapped on the Fazwatch and clipped on her employee ID.

The twins did the same.

Moon was curious, he was almost certain that everyone had been to a Freddy's location at least once in their life... he could be wrong though.

"Y/N what rock were you living under for all your life..?" Orion asked.

The lady only chuckled. "My parents roof."

Orion face palmed while dawn burst out laughing.

"What is your relationship...?" Moon found himself asking, when he recalled the birthday of the twins she had not been on the manifesto.

"She found us after mum turned and Dad committed suicide... hacked off her own leg after getting bitten while saving Dawn after we had a massive argument..." Orion spoke up.

"She's found family, not blood but I guess adopted would be the right word for it... she's more sensible then our mother was..... ehem," Dawn explained before putting on a hauty tone, "I want to see your manager!" she exclaimed before sighing with a sad smile.

"She was bit while protecting Orion and I, told us to grab some food and hide in the security room in the attic... she locked the door, staying outside... she wasn't always the best but I know.. she really did only want the best for us.." Dawn spoke, a far off look in her eyes.

Orion nodded. "She might have lacked common sense but she took being our mum seriously... if we wanted to do something she would support it... though a little too strongly.... I know it was just because she cared." He sighed.

Y/N never met the woman, but she did decapite the Zombie body of her. "She was a rather relentless Zombie. I bet somewhere she thought she was protecting you two. And I miss that chainsaw..."

Dawn groaned. "You mean the one you named Professor Grell and used to cut of your own freaking limb!?" She was pretty over that Chainsaw.

Orion sighed. "We buried it and everything after that cult broke it..." he was equally over that chainsaw.

Moon felt a smidgen lost. "Chainsaw..? You kids should not be playing with something so dangerous... naughty, Naughty..." he mumbled.

Y/N laughed nervously. "Professor Grell was only handled by me, no one else had the arm strength to lift her.. hehe...and I was almost 20! Not a kid."

Moon just stared. "You still weren't 21, company policies, anyone under 21 can still be considered a child even if they work here. You are not however. In a week, yes but not now." He informed.

Y/N just blinked. "You read my birthday on the slip... and have a functional calendar.... Dawn could you program something like that!?" She was shook.

Dawn face palmed. "YES,I can even create the basis for an AI... I was dragged into home schooling at age six due to my desire to become a programmer and technician after visiting Freddy's on our 5th birthday... Orion though wanted to become an artist and fashion designer so he learnt how to knit and sew..." she sighed.

Moon found their family dynamic a little odd but at the same time... he missed working with children... he knew Sun missed it as well. He was certain they would get along.

FNAFSB Sun/Moon x reader One shots Where stories live. Discover now