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Daniel's been obsessed with music ever since he was little and being enable to now make it himself is everything he ever wanted. He's been active in the DJ world for twelve years now, but he really broke through in the previous two years.

His life has been crazy ever since then. Instead of only working in Australia he now had jobs all over the world, especially in Europe.

Daniel loved the European crowds. It didn't matter what type of music he would put on for them they would dance and party along with him.

His friend circle grew a lot. He became great friends with Martin Garrix and various other DJ's, but his friendship with Michael and Blake was still the best.

They both tried to travel with him as often as possible. Both of them had their own families to take care of by now, which sometimes made Daniel a bit jealous.

He loved the party life and would never get tired of traveling around the globe, but seeing how his best friends were getting married, had kids and mainly just settled down made him not wanna live that life.

He'd never really met someone who made him feel a special kind of way. Of course there had been some boys over the last years, but Daniel never wanted anything serious with them.

All those thoughts went away when the festival season came up again. Daniel's summer was fully booked with jobs. On some days he even had three festivals on the same day. Daniel will always be thankful for his success.

It brought him to one of his favorite festivals, Tomorrowland. He was a main stage act on Sunday, more specifically the last act of the day which meant he could close the second weekend of the festival.

He'd been looking forward to that Sunday for weeks. Blake and Michael joined him on the trip to Belgium. Daniel had the Monday after off which was quite rare so they decided to spend some time together that day.

Daniel knew it would be really crowded at the Belgian festival, but it being this crowded backstage is something he never experienced. He got dropped off at the front since they weren't allowed to drive any further.

So now he was standing here, all alone in the middle of an unfamiliar place. He tried to look around for some people who maybe could help him when he spotted someone rushing through the crowd into the direction of him.

Daniel spotted crew on his black polo and felt like he could calm down. His eyes widened when the man almost reached his side. He realized how pretty he really was when he looked up and met Daniel's eyes.

"Oh my god, I am so so sorry. I didn't realize it was this late." He quickly apologized, the worry clear in his eyes while he fiddled with the paper the schedule was on.

Daniel smiled softly at him. "It's alright," He leaned closer to take a look at the name tag. "Max." He added. "I'm Daniel." He introduced himself like Max didn't know who he was.

Max blushed lightly. "I'm here to lead you to everything. They have dinner available if you would want something to eat." He informed Daniel.

His performance was in an hour so he still had some time to eat. "Yeah sure." He replied.

Max nodded and told Daniel to follow him. Max leaded the way to a small, but still fancy place. "You can just grab whatever you want." He explained to Daniel.

"Cool." Daniel commented, peeking inside the cafetaria. "Wanna join me?" He asked Max.

Max's eyes widened as he looked speechless. "Oh, well I'm not sure if I'm allowed to go in there."

Daniel frowned and looked inside again, seeing multiple crew people sitting there. "But-." When he looked back Max was suddenly gone. Daniel frowned even deeper while a pit of guilt settled in his stomach. He didn't say something wrong, did he?

He flinched when someone wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Dan The Man! Come have dinner with us."

Daniel didn't even got any time to respond and more important to look around and search for Max. The food he had wasn't even good and the people who sat with him just tried to make as many Instagram stories as possible.

As soon as Daniel finished his plate and his drink he left the place, not bothering to say goodbye to any of them. Some of them were nice, but it was way too obvious that they were using him for their own fame. If Daniel would actually like them he would have reposted the stories which gave them some free Instagram followers

But he didn't like them and wouldn't even bother to open the messages that said they tagged him in a story.

He wished Michael and Blake were here, backstage, but his two friends always loved to experience everything from the other side of the stage. Daniel accepted that, because, who is he to force his friends to be there with him?

When he left the cafetaria Max was there. He was standing with a group of other crew people. They were all talking to each other, but Max just stood there looking down at his feet.

Daniel felt bad for him. He walked over to Max which immediately caught Max's attention. Max looked up and met Daniel's eyes, a small smile on his face.

He didn't give Daniel the chance to speak as he unfolded the schedule. "We should head over to the stage to get you settled." Max told him as he wanted to walk away Daniel took a light hold of Max's elbow.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have invited you like that." Daniel apologized. He wasn't completely sure if that was the reason for Max's sudden disappearance, but Max's reaction confirmed his thoughts.

Max seemed less stressed, blushing lightly. "It's alright. It's just, no one's ever asked me to actually do that... I work at festivals often and I'm mostly alone so I was just... surprised?" Max explained, looking away in embarrassment.

Daniel could only smile. "Thanks for telling me Maxy."

Max looked back at him, but most importantly he smiled back.

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