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The loud alarm of his phone woke Max up. He wasn't sure at what time Daniel and his friends wanted to meet so he decided to wake up at eight. He got up, picked up some random sweatpants, a white shirt and got dressed.

When he left his room his eyes fell on the couch just like last night. Lando and Charles were gaming and by the looks on Charles' face, he was losing.

Max shook his head and just made his way over to the kitchen. He grabbed a bowl, putting in some cereal and poured in the milk on top of it. He grabbed a spoon and walked into the living room.

"Good morning Maxy." Lando greeted him with a big smile.

"Morning Lando."

"Morning Charles." The other man said, imitating Max's voice.

"What are you even doing here?" Max sighed, sinking down on the couch.

"Having a sleepover with my friend, why?" Charles replied casually, his eyes focused on the screen.

"Why are you even up this early?" Lando asked, looking at Max for a split second.

"No reason." He replied quickly, maybe too quick.

"There's definitely a reason!" Charles smirked.

Lando grinned. "Come on Max, don't lie to me."

"I'm gonna hang out with some people, but I didn't know what time-." While he was explaining it his phone got a notification, vibrating in the pocket of his short. Max set down his bowl on the table before grabbing it.

Unknown: Hi maxy! It's Daniel :) Can we pick you up at ten?

Max felt his face heating up, oh no. He first added Daniel to his contact list before texting back.

Max: Sure. I'll be ready :)

Daniel: Great!

Max smiled at the screen and turned it off. When he looked up he was met with two sets of eyes, waiting for Max to explain who the hell he was texting with.

"Turns out I'm getting picked up at ten." Max just said.

"By who?" Lando asked.

"Yeah who?" Charles repeated.

Max sighed. He knew there was no point in even trying to hide it. Eventually they would find out anyway. "It's Daniel, with his friends."

Charles frowned. "Who?"

Lando on the other hand looked at him in total shock. "You mean Danny Ric?" He blurted out.

"Who?" Max asked in total confusion.

"Daniel Ricciardo." Lando groaned. "You know, the famous DJ."

"Oh yeah, him."

"Max! What?" Lando basically shouted. He jumped up from the couch and sat next to Max. "How?"

"Well, remember yesterday when I told you about having to lead him through the evening, make sure he was on time and all that." Lando nodded. "Yeah so we actually spoke quite a lot and after he asked me to join him and his friends."

"Oh my god." Lando squealed. "Is he sweet? He's hot, isn't he?"

Max snorted. "Lan."

"No but he's hot, right?" Lando tried again.

"I guess so." Max shrugged. "His curls are cute."

Lando smiled at his best friend. "Aw I'm loving this! So now you're gonna see him again?"

Max nodded. "Yeah."

"We need to help you get ready!" He told Max. "Eat your breakfast and then we'll get you ready."

"I don't know what we're doing, so-." Max protested.

"I know Daniel hikes a lot, so we go for a simple, easy but good looking outfit. Can we fix that Charles?" Lando turned around to look at Charles.

"Fanboy." Max groaned, rolling his eyes at Lando's words.

"We can fix that." Charles stood up and walked over to Max's room. "I'll check the closet."

"I'll join!" Lando jumped up. After slapping Max's shoulder for his comment he followed Charles into Max's bedroom.

Max didn't even want to know what they are gonna make him wear.

The outfit wasn't even that bad. Charles did make him wear loose fit jeans since he needed to get out of the skinny jeans while Lando helped him with his hair and kept talking about Daniel.

"Maxy you're going on a date!" Lando grinned while Max was putting on his sneakers.

Max rolled his eyes. "We're just hanging out Lando." He spoke. "And besides his friends are joining too." Max added, standing up from the couch.

Charles walked over to him. He looked Max up and down. "You look great mate." He commented. "If Daniel doesn't fall for you I don't know what his problem is."

Max groaned, but couldn't stop himself from smiling at Charles' compliment. "Thanks Charles."

He froze when he heard the doorbell. Lando grabbed Max's hand and gave him his phone and keys before pushing him into the direction of the front door. "Good luck Max. Have fun!"

Max shook his head, took a deep breath and opened the front door. He immediately felt bubbly when he saw Daniel standing there. His curls were messy and he was wearing a comfortable looking hoodie.

"Hi!" Daniel grinned. "Are you ready?"

Max nodded. "I am." He left the apartment, closing the door behind him. "How did you even got into the building?" Max asked, suddenly realizing he never let Daniel into the building.

Daniel looked at Max. "One of my mates lives here. He let me in, I wanted to surprise you." He explained.

Max laughed as they were walking down the stairs. "Sweet." He mumbled.

They left the building and Daniel leaded him over to the car. Max greeted Michael and Blake as he got in the car, sitting in the passenger seat while Daniel went over to the other side.

"So," Daniel started. "We're planning on going out for lunch and then we're going for a hike. Is that alright?"

Lando was right, Max thought immediately. "Of course it is." Max smiled up at him.

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