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The drive to Max's house went quicker than expected. They basically talked through the whole drive, just telling each other about their lives.

Daniel parked the car in front of the building Max lived in. He was about to get out of the car but Max stopped him by grabbing his arm. "So, Lando is at home and I'm pretty sure Charles is there too." Max informed Daniel, biting his lip.

Daniel nodded slowly. "Alright. Any other things I should know about?" He asked, more as a joke.

Max looked down at his lap. "It's just... Charles and Lando are both good looking, and I think they like each other but just in case, please don't you know..." Max rambled.

Daniel chuckled lightly. "No worries Max. I only have eyes for you." He spoke, placing his hand on Max's knee. "So, shall we get in?"

Max nodded and patted Daniel's hand. He opened the door, grabbed his bag and left the car. He fished his keys out of it while walking over to the door.

To his surprise the building's door already opened. "Oh..." He breathed out.

"Maxy!" A loud voice suddenly said.

Max groaned and turned sideways to look at the camera. "Lando, what are you doing?" He asked, confused.

"I've been waiting for you! We were supposed to be going shopping for shoes, remember?" Lando explained.

Max mentally slapped himself, of course he forgot about that. "Yeah, right."

"You forgot!" Lando almost shouted.

"No I didn't." He rushed. "I brought someone though, I hope you don't mind if he comes along. If he wants to of course."

"Did you bring the person I am thinking of?" Lando asked.

"Depends." Max responded, knowing Lando knew it from the tone of his voice.

"Oh my!" Lando squealed. "Come in now!"

Max rolled his eyes when Lando's voice immediately disappeared again. "Well. That's Lando." He sighed.

Daniel walked over to him, laughing. "He seems fun." He commented.

Max smiled, glad Lando didn't scare him away. "I don't know if you heard, but I have to go shoe shopping with him. He always wants my opinion. You can join, but I understand if you not have the time-."

"No, I have time. Let me join." Daniel insisted.

Max smiled when Daniel moved past him and walked into the building. Max was quick with keeping up with Daniel, following him upstairs. He was surprised the man still exactly knew where he lived.

Max unlocked the door and opened it for Daniel, letting the man walk in first. Max followed, closing the door behind him and closing his eyes, waiting for Lando to notice.

"Oh my god!" Lando jumped up from the couch, almost running over to Daniel. "Daniel Ricciardo, in our apartment!"

Max sighed. "Lando, stop acting like a crazy fanboy!" Max warned.

"Okay fine, fine." Lando mumbled. "I'm Lando, Max's best friend since kindergarten," He started.

Max frowned, not knowing where Lando was going with this.

"We're like brothers, so you know, if you hurt him. I hurt you. That's how it works." Lando said, trying to look as serious as possible.

Max looked down at the floor, trying to keep himself from laughing at his friend's words.

"I wouldn't worry about that." Daniel spoke, placing a hand on Lando's shoulder. "I am not planning on hurting Maxy." He patted Lando's shoulder slowly. "If you hurt him in any way, then-."

"Okay!" Max cut in, stepping in between the two. "Lando, this is Daniel. Dan, this is Lando." He quickly said, hoping this conversation could end now. He slightly turned around to look at Lando, standing on Daniel's side. "When do you wanna go?"

Lando smiled slightly. "Now, I guess. Charles is in the other room still playing cod, so I'll get him." He replied.

Max nodded and watched Lando enter his bedroom. He waited until the door was closed before he faced Daniel. "What was that about?" He asked.

"What was what about?" Daniel frowned, looking like he really didn't know what Max was talking about.

"The don't hurt him or talk." Max said.

"I don't know." Daniel started. "It felt like the right thing to say back. I would hurt him if he hurt you, why should I lie?"

"Really?" Max asked in disbelief. He wasn't sure how they were on that stage already.

"Of course." Daniel replied. "I thought we were going there, right?"

Max had never seen Daniel unsure before. "We are." Max stated. "I want to go there with you, definitely."


Lando smiled satisfied when they drove onto the parking lot. "This is great. Everyone's looking at our amazing car."

"Our?" Charles smirked, looking at Lando.

"Fine." Lando huffed. "Daniel's."

Max rolled his eyes, looking at the backseat. "Stop acting like you're not obsessed with Daniel, Lando." He told him.

"Hey! I am not obsessed."

"Sure." Charles sighed. "Remember how you acted when Max told you about working with him?" He reminded Lando.

"Alright, alright!" Lando gave up the fight. "I may be a bit of a fan, but I need to give him a hard time first before he becomes Max's boyfriend!"

"I'm still here." Daniel spoke up.

"Yeah, thanks for that prediction mate." Max added.

"Just park the damn car!" Lando complained, lightly slapping Daniel's shoulder.

"Calm down! I usually don't allow fans in my car, so enjoy it." Daniel said, looking at the mirror to take a quick look at Lando. He smirked when the boy let himself fall back against the chair.

Two hours ago they arrived and Lando still didn't find the shoes he wanted. Max had sat next to Daniel on every couch they could find, just like now while Charles was helping Lando, showing him to properly tie the sneakers he was trying on.

"This feels domestic." Daniel commented, leaning back on the couch.

Max smirked, also leaning back. "How?"

"I think it's just the shopping thing. I haven't done it like this in a while, usually they drop me off in these blinded cars. It's just stupid." He explained, fiddling with his sunglasses.

Max hated how he couldn't look into Daniel's eyes, he also didn't like the cap he was wearing. "I like this." He mumbled.

"Me too." Daniel grinned, laying his arm down on the couch behind Max.

Max smiled back before letting himself fall into Daniel's embrace, laying his head on Daniel's shoulder.

Daniel placed a kiss on his hair before looking back up, finding Lando and Charles looking at them in pure adoration.

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