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It's been a week and Max misses Daniel more than he expected he would. He finds himself staring at his phone in the hope of Daniel texting him.

He became weak for the man. It's maybe even a bit embarrassing.

Lando keeps teasing him about it. Max you're so gone for Daniel!, Max when can i meet your boyfriend?

Max can't blame him for the comments. He is indeed very gone for Daniel. Who wouldn't be? If a man like Daniel wants to hang out with you you don't say no. It's as simple as that.

He almost jumped in joy when Daniel texted him with the type of text he's been waiting for all this time.

Daniel: MAX

Daniel: I'm in the Netherlands tomorrow, wanna meet?

Max: Definitely!

That night Max couldn't even find his sleep. He'd been waiting for a meet up with Daniel and out of nowhere he was visiting Daniel tomorrow.

"You look stunning!" Lando mentioned while he was eating some leftovers from their dinner yesterday.

Max rolled his eyes. "Thank you Lando. I suppose that's because you told me to wear this."

Lando smiled. "Maybe." He shrugged, taking a bite of his food. "Anyway, are you excited?"

"Definitely. I actually missed him." Max didn't know why he felt so relieved when he told Lando how he felt.

"Sweet." Lando grinned.

Max had to be quick with leaving since he couldn't manage to miss his train. He had to change trains multiple times and it was quite a long trip to Amsterdam, but eventually he made it.

The long trip was all worth it when he saw Daniel standing between the hundreds of people at the train station.

He was wearing sunglasses and a basic black hat to look as incognito as possible. Max chuckled at the sight.

He strolled over to Daniel, hoping the man didn't notice and he could surprise him. When he was close enough he dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around Daniel's neck, pulling him into a hug.

It's not like Max though too deeply about his actions. He really just wanted to hug Daniel and be close to him again.

"Maxy!" He heard Daniel say before the man also circled his arms around Max's waist.

Max broke the hug, pulling himself back, much to Daniel's disappointment. "You're early." Daniel spoke.

Max shrugged. "I know. I wanted to surprise you." He told Daniel, grabbing his backpack again and swinging it over his shoulder.

Daniel smiled. "Let's go. Mike and Blake are waiting." He informed Max before leading the way over to the car.

"This is yours?" Max asked, speechless. He looked around in the luxurious loft Daniel just unlocked the door to.

"Well yeah. I bought it a few months ago." He said, closing the door behind him. "I always wanted my own place to stay here and when I took a look at this beauty I instantly fell in love."

"I get that." Max breathed out. This place was everything he would want in life, the marble kitchen, the huge tv, the couch that looked to expensive to sit on and of course the insane view over Amsterdam.

"Want a drink?" Daniel asked, walking into the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen island.

Max walked over to the other side. "Water." He replied.

He took a look in the fridge but turned around when it was almost empty. "Is tap alright? I ran out of bottles." Daniel asked unsure.

"Of course."

"Really?" Dan made a face. "You like that?"

Max chuckled. "Sure, why not?"

"I mean, it's tap..."


"No reason."

Max shook his head. "Dan... tap water is clean here, you know that, right?"

"Yeah of course." Daniel said, scratching the side of his head, a confused expression on his face.

Max smiled softly. "You are so cute." He commented.

Daniel filled a glass with water and placed it in front of Max. "Well thank you Maxy. I think you're pretty adorable too."

Max blushed. "Thanks." He said, pointing at the glass in front of him so Daniel knew what he meant.

Daniel grinned. "No probs." He leaned his elbows on the island and took a good look at Max. "I was thinking, maybe we can play some Fifa and after you can come with me to the festival." He offered. "If you want to come of course, not forcing you."

"I want to." Max said.


They ended up on Daniel's couch, playing Fifa. Max was of course beating him.

"How?" Daniel suddenly said after losing another time. He threw his controller away and let himself lean back on the couch. "Max you should teach me your methods."

Max chuckled. "It's a secret."

Daniel groaned while Max started another game.

Daniel drove them to the festival. It wasn't really a huge festival, just a few thousands of people.

Max was very excited to be going there with Daniel. Michael and Blake had decided they wouldn't be joining them tonight, so Max was happy he could enjoy some more alone time with Daniel.

Daniel parked the car in front of the entrance. He told them they had to get out, even though Max was sure this wasn't a real parking spot, he did follow Daniel's instructions.

Dan handed the keys over to someone who worked here before he grabbed Max's wrist. "Let's go." He spoke with a smile.

He walked in with no trouble. People didn't even ask who he was, just assuming he was Daniel Ricciardo.

Max felt himself getting looked at by multiple girls. He dared to look one in the eye, who just looked back at him in disgust. He tried to hold himself from smirking.

He was the one who was walking in with Daniel Ricciardo like they were a thing, they were almost holding hands after all.

That night Max watched Daniel from backstage just like a few weeks ago. He already adored watching Daniel do the thing he loves the most.

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