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so first of all, sorry about not updating sooner

this will be the last chapter but i'm planning on writing a new story about these two :)


Christmas came around quicker than expected, before they knew it they were on their way to the airport. A few weeks ago Daniel met Max's family for the first time, it's fair to say thay it clicked immediately. Max's nephews also instantly loved him, but the most important thing to Max was that his mom liked Daniel.

Max was leaning on Daniel's shoulder for almost the entire flight. He has barely been on any flights in his life and he really did not enjoy it. Daniel on the other hand flew the world almost every week, he really couldn't care any less about it.

They would arrive a day earlier than Max's family, his sister couldn't come along with them today because of work so everyone decided to go a day later.

Max loved to finally meet Daniel's family properly. He first met Daniel's parents, Grace and Joe. They were exactly how Max pictured them, they were the best and very happy to meet the person who stole their boy's heart.

They were just settling in one of the guest rooms when someone ran into the room. Max immediately recognized him as Daniel's nephew, Isaac. The boy jumped against Daniel, wrapping his arms around him. Daniel picked him up in one swift movement, properly hugging him.

Max smiled softly at them, waiting to introduce himself, letting them have a little moment. He knew how much Daniel had missed him, Daniel spoke about him every day.

He met Michelle and her husband soon after. Everyone was so nice, it was going better than Max could have expected.

They had a barbecue that night because his boyfriend insisted. Daniel had been talking about it all the time during their flight.

Max was sat next to Grace in the garden with Michelle on his other side. Daniel was standing in front of the barbecue, talking about something with his dad.

"So, how's life going with Daniel?" Michelle spoke up, placing a hand on Max's arm.

Max felt himself smiling just by hearing someone ask about them. "It's amazing. He's literally the best."

Michelle frowned. "He's the best? No way?"

"Hey!" Daniel turned around, giving his sister a glare that could kill. "Thanks baby." He smiled at Max.

Max shook his head, laughing.

"You two are the sweetest." Grace now commented, shaking Max's shoulder lightly. "You make him happy." She whispered, just so he could hear it.

Max blushed, looking down at his lap before facing Grace. "I do my best." He said.

Grace grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Just be there for him."

"I promise." Max told her.

Max woke up early the next day to start making breakfast. He had planned on making a huge breakfast with Grace to welcome his family. Max walked into the kitchen, just wearing one of Daniel's hoodies and a pair of sweatpants.

He grabbed the ingredients from the fridge to make some pancakes. The recipe was from his grandma, he and Victoria loved them as kids and he knows how much his nephews now do.

In the middle of baking Grace came back from getting groceries. She immediately started to help him, she cooked some eggs and put some bread in the oven.

Michelle also joined them, getting the table ready with some help from Joe, who carried some extra chairs and a table into the room.

The last person who joined them was Daniel. He looked tired, like he just woke up when he stretched in the middle of the room. "Hmm, it smells so good." He mumbled, walking over to the kitchen island, leaning against it. "Hi baby, how long have you been up?"

Max turned around, facing Daniel. He gave him a kiss before speaking, "Since seven, didn't wanna wake you up. I knew you were tired."

"You should have done it though. I would love to help." He admitted, sitting down on top of the kitchen island now. "Come here." He whined, motioning for Max to come over to him.

Max smiled and walked around the kitchen until he stood in front of Daniel. Daniel didn't hesitate for a second when he pulled his boyfriend closer, hugging him. "I love you." Daniel hummed.

"Love you." Max repeated, nuzzling his head against Daniel's chest.

Max's family had easily settled into the house. Their moms quickly became best friends just like Victoria and Michelle did. Daniel and Max were hanging out with their cousins all the time, just like today, they went to get some ice cream with all of them.

Max was cleaning Luka's hands when Daniel suddenly spoke up. "Would you want kids?" He asked, totally focused on Max with his nephew.

Max turned around, eyes wide when he realized what Daniel had asked. He leaned back a little. "Yeah." He breathed out. "Not now, but definitely."

Daniel grinned. "Me too."

Max blushed. "I would love to have kids with you." He mentioned.

"Really." Daniel beamed, squeezing Max's thigh. "How many?"

Max laughed. "Two or three... four? I don't know."

"Four?" Daniel said, surprised.

"I just love kids." Max said, smiling.

4 years later...

It's safe to say this was all Max had dreamed of in his life. He had gone back to school and got a degree in psychology and finding himself a stable job. Daniel had stopped with traveling much. He would go on tour during the holidays only, so Max and their kids could come along with him.

They lived in Australia, close to Daniel's parents, on their own farm. They adopted two cats, Jimmy and Sassy.

Life was too good to be true.

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