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The first few months of Max and Daniel being an official couple were amazing. They spend most of their time at Daniel's apartment in Amsterdam so they, and Charles and Lando had their privacy. Without noticing it Max had been taking more and more of his stuff back to Daniel's place.

They basically moved in with each other at this point, so Daniel wasn't hesitant when he handed Max a key to his apartment, a way to ask him to officially move in.

Max had said yes, of course he did, but the thing he didn't look forward to is telling his best friend about it. He was sure Lando had his suspicions by now, Max was barely back at their apartment anymore.

He decided to go back a few days after Daniel asked him to move in, not only to get all his stuff from his place but also to tell Lando.

Max never expected the reaction he got from Lando. He expected Lando to get mad at him, or at least be disappointed with him for just dropping the news like that, but no, the younger man hugged Max and told him how happy he was.

After that he informed Max about him searching for a place to live with Charles. Max was genuinely happy for him, but a little sad they were really moving on without living with each other.

Daniel helped Max that day with packing his stuff and carrying the boxes to Daniel's car. It took them a few days to fully get everything settled in Daniel's apartment, since Max was way too lazy to unpack everything.

Max sighed when he finished hanging his clothes into Daniel's, well their closet. He left the walk in closet and went into the living room where Daniel was seated. He let himself fall down next to him on the couch and immediately leaned against Daniel.

Daniel wrapped his arm around Max, pulling him into his side. "Done?" He asked, kissing the side of Max's head.

"Yeah." Max replied. "I can't believe we're living together." He admitted, reaching out to take a hold of Daniel's hand.

Daniel smiled softly. "It feels like a dream." He commented.

"It really does." Max hummed.

Daniel took him to one of his jobs for the first time. Max was with him all the time, and watched his boyfriend do the thing he loved the most in front of a huge crowd.

It was unusual for Daniel to performing like this in the middle of winter, but when they offered it to him he couldn't say no. The huge crowds is what he loved the most, he absolutely adored the way he could get them all jump at the same time, to the same song. It was beautiful to him.

Daniel would never admit it to Max out loud, but having the man here as his boyfriend is something he'd always dreamed of. He never tried to hide his sexuality. He's been seen with boys, been on the cover of gossip magazines because of it, but he couldn't care any less. It was 2022 after all.

But the thing was, he never took them to work. The only people he'd taken here were Michael and Blake, but Max felt like the right one to take with him. Max definitely wasn't with him for the money and the fame. Max liked him for who he was.

His performance finished as quick as usual. He quicklt left and hugged Max. "You were amazing as always!" Complimented Max, only for Daniel to hear.

"You have no idea how much I love you." Daniel breathed out without thinking about it.

Max pulled back, eyes wide, and his mouth slightly open. "You love me?" He asked, totally in shock by Daniel's words.

"Fuck... of course I do Max." Daniel whispered, running his fingers through Max's blond locks.

"Good." Max spoke. "I love you too."

Daniel had never kissed Max like this before.

"I can't believe this is your life." Max told Daniel once they were sat in Daniel's private jet.

Daniel looked at Max, amused by his words. "What do you mean? The jet, the fans?"

Max shrugged. "All of it." He replied, leaning back in the leather chair. "I love how happy it makes you, but I'll have to get used to it though." He explained.

Daniel nodded, humming. "I get that." He said. "Just tell me when you don't feel comfortable, okay?"

"I will babe, you know I will." Max smiled. He got up from his chair and walked over to Daniel, sitting down on his lap. "I love you." He said once again. "It feels so good to say that."

Daniel chuckled lightly. "I know right. It feels so great to say that." He agreed, laying his hand on Max's thigh, squeezing it. "Love you."

Max blushed, hiding his face in the crook of Daniel's neck. "Maybe we should go on a holiday." He suddenly offered, not even looking at Daniel.

Daniel frowned but then his eyes widened. "Wait... you want to come to Australia? Meet my family? I'd love for you to meet them."

"Really?" Max moved back, properly looking at his boyfriend. "You want me to meet your family?" Max bit his lip, he knew how important Daniel's family was to the man.

"Definitely. You're my boyfriend now, I want you to meet them, and my sister and my little nephew. He will love you." Daniel rambled.

"I want to." Max responded, grabbing Daniel's hand, tangling their fingers together. "You have a little nephew?"

"Yes!" Daniel's eyes lit up when Max asked him about Isaac. "His name is Isaac. He's the cutest thing."

"I can't wait to meet him." Max commented. "When do you wanna leave?"

Daniel shrugged. "Well, we have Christmas around the corner, maybe we can visit them or do you have plans?"

Max frowned. "I'm not sure. I was gonna ask my mom and sister soon."

"Invite them too." Daniel suddenly spoke.

"What?" Max looked surprised.

"Invite your family, the ones you want to come of course." He explained.

Max smiled, satisfied with Daniel's idea. "I can offer it to them, but maybe first meet them?" He said the last part as quiet as possible.

Daniel grinned. "I can't wait to see them."

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