Chapter 1

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(A/N, as I said, this starts after "The Reunion of Dragons" chapter in part 1 of the Age of Dragons story in crob, oh, and Bellflower Cookie is here too. The beginning lines don't belong to me, they belong to the story, my story starts during Snake Fruit's guidance, just a heads up)

"Are you guys ready? Let's enter the palace!" Exclaimed Gingerbrave

"Feels strange to go fight a dragon..." Said Dino-sour Cookie.

"Why are you jussst ssstanding there?! Let'sss go fight!" Exclaimed Pitaya Dragon.

"Yeah! We don't have time for this! Every moment wasted is another Cookie turned to stone!" Yelled out Mala Sauce Cookie

"Mala Ssauce Cookie iss right. We have to hurry, before the Lychee Dragon returnss." Said Snake Fruit Cookie.

"I take it Lychee Dragon Cookie... won't fight together with us...?" Asked Rambutan Cookie.

"Trying to befriend that dragon would be no different than running headlong into the Longan Dragon's mouth." Said Lotus Dragon.

"Fighting the Lychee Dragon was just a bother back then, too. I don't want to repeat that headache..." Replied Ananas Dragon.

"But where is the Longan Dragon? I haven't seen any clue about where the dragon went after we entered this place!" Exclaimed Gingerbright.

"They alwaysss hide in the innermossst partsss of the palace! It'sss rare to sssee that dragon outssside at all!" Exclaimed Pitaya Dragon.

"Instead, I reckon others will get in our way.... Those snakes, that is." Said Ananas Dragon.

"I merely followed the Longan Dragon'ss wishess. " Said Snake Fruit Cookie.

After Snake Fruit Cookie guided everyone to the gates, everyone in the group went to the palace gates, bracing for the impact, but got surprised by the non-secured gates.

"Hmm, that's interesting. Nobody is there. That's weird." Lotus Dragon said, skeptical.

"Why is it weird? That means we're safe, right?" Asked Gingerbright.

"That is correct. But it's strange because this palace is secured. Suspicious."

"Well, I think that the guards are scared to fight us, knowing that we're always stronger than the weaklings!" Ananas said in a proud tone.

"I still don't get why you're so arrogant all the time." Dino-sour said, a bit annoyed.

"Guys, enough! We got to stop the Longan Dragon from destroying what we love, and we can't do that if we stay here all day!" Gingerbrave said.

"Well, thiss cookie isss jussst asss excited asss I am to fight the Longan Dragon after ssso long!" Pitaya said with an excited tone.

"I still don't get why you had to bring me along on this mission, Lotus Dragon," Bellflower said, still shaken up after Lotus took them by surprise.

"They'll try to break in so you can become their next target, knowing those dragon orbs. And since you told me that the cookie you work with turned to stone, I knew it was best if I brought you along." They replied.

"The Great Dragon just saved your life, so it'd be better if you show that you're grateful." Hydrangea said calmly.

"I am grateful!"

"Hey! Let's all calm down. Let's head on in and get this over with." Rambutan said, clearly not having it.

"You sssound tired." Said Pitaya Dragon, concerned.

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