Chapter 5

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All the cookies jaw-dropped at the dragon in front of them. Well, this was unexpected. The dragon, who many cookies said would destroy their kind, was helping them.

"Oh my goodness... Are you...?" Gingerbrave said, breaking the silence.

"Yes, young one. I am the Longan Dragon."

"But... How?! Why?! Why did you help us escape?" Exclaimed Crunchy Chip Cookie.

"Simple. I want to help you all."

"But I thought you wanted to destroy all cookie kind?" Asked Dark Cacao Cookie.

"... I guess we're starting from scratch, right? It's no problem. Gather round. Let me tell you all a story." They said, sounding in sorrow.

All the cookies sat around the dragon, curiosity filling their heads.

"As you may know, there are five types of dragons. We have the red dragons, the golden, the blue, the violet, and me, the ivory. We all have different powers." They started.

"Our unique powers come from our gems, naming us the different dragons." They pointed at their pendant, which had an oval-shaped gem.

"We all need to be extremely careful with them since they're the source of our unique powers. If they break, we lose our unique powers. And there is no possible way to get them back." They said sternly.

"When I was young, I was like you all. Full of curiosity." Their voice replaced the stern tone with one full of sorrow.

"My mother was the ruler of all dragons. She was a majestic being. Everyone wanted to be like her." They said while a silhouette of a Korean Dragon appeared from their hands.

"And by everyone, I mean everyone. Including me. But there was a problem..."

Gingerbrave could hear the anger fueling in the dragon's voice as if talking about this part was enough to anger them.

"Her beauty hid her cruel heart. She abused those who worked for her, she challenged those who needed help, and she used to abuse me when I was small."

Gingerbrave saw why they sounded so angry now.

"She was never the same once my dad died. My dad was the opposite of her, sweet and kind." Sadness filled their voice. "I wanted to be like her, but not in the way you might be thinking. I want to help others and make sure everyone feels included."

"Once she found out about the existence of your kind, she went ballistic. She vowed to destroy every single one of you."

"And... and how did you react?" Asked Mango Cookie.

"Well, I was shocked and felt betrayed. We argued so much my mom decided to step down from the position as a ruler to see if I did any better."

"Wow, Longan... You became the ruler at such a young age..." Rambutan Cookie said, sympathy in her voice. "Like me..." She mumbled the last part.

"After that moment, I vowed to protect every living being, no matter their species. From the biggest dragon to the smallest critter." They said, revealing that they were hiding Snake Fruit Cookie behind them, though they looked terrified.

"YOU!!!!" Yelled Purple Yam Cookie.

"NO!! WAIT!!" The snake exclaimed while stepping back before Purple Yam Cookie pounced on them.

"Pleasse... don't hurt me." 

"You didn't sound THIS scared last time I confronted YOU!" Replied Purple Yam Cookie, holding Snake Fruit Cookie down.

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