Chapter 2

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While exploring the hallways, when Ananas said there was most to least excitement, they didn't mean enemies. They meant obstacles. The group in the different hallways worked together, so no one got hurt.

Gingerbrave and co. got the easy stuff, like simple jumps and avoiding lasers. Meanwhile, everyone else got increasingly harder, with Pitaya Dragon's and the others almost impossible.

Pitaya Dragon, Rambutan Cookie, Purple Yam Cookie, and Mala Sauce Cookie got an obstacle course with lava instead of water, much to Rambutan Cookie's dismay.

Bellflower Cookie, Hydrangea Cookie, Ananas Dragon, and Lotus Dragon also got an obstacle course that IS water, and some mechanics can push you off.

Meanwhile, the other two hallways were docile.

There were some minor slip-ups, but nothing happened to them. Everything was okay.

With Ananas Dragon, Bellflower Cookie, Hydrangea Cookie, and Lotus Dragon

"Ugh... I feel dizzy. I can't believe I fell into the water. For one second, but still." Said, Bellflower Cookie.

"That makes two of us..." Replied Hydrangea Cookie while rubbing her head.

"Don't be concerned, you two. I'm sure I can help you with your dizziness once we meet up with the others." Said Lotus Dragon while side-hugging the two, which made Bellflower smile a little.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm also a little light-headed. You're lucky you're a water dragon, Lotus..." Said Ananas Dragon, with a hand in their stomach.

"As I previously stated, I can assist you. When we arrive at our rest stop, you should all sit down and close your eyes until you feel better."

"You do know a lot about health, Lotus!" Exclaimed Bellflower Cookie before letting out a cough.

"Without a doubt. When I notice someone is sick or not feeling well, I do my best to assist."

"That's... awfully kind of you."

"I try..." Lotus said, looking a bit guilty.

With Mala Sauce Cookie, Pitaya Dragon, Purple Yam Cookie, and Rambutan Cookie

"It sure is nice to feel the heat again after a while!" Exclaimed Mala Sauce Cookie.

"Tell me about it! The obssstacle courssse wasss fun, essspecially sssince I didn't ussse my wingsss! That isss enough to make me sssatisfied!" Replied Pitaya Dragon.

"So we're just going to ignore that I almost BURNED MY RIGHT LEG OFF?!" Yelled Purple Yam.

"Ah, chin up! I caught you jussst in time before the burn got any worssse! I alssso got to give you a ride on my ssshouldersss!"

"It felt so weird..."

"It also looks like the burn will take time to heal, so it's best if you lay low on fighting for a while." Said Mala Sauce Cookie.

"Ugh, man..." Purple Yam said under his breath.

"Rambutan Cookie! You hadn't said a word since... Rambutan Cookie?"

Rambutan Cookie had the most traumatized face the group had ever seen, and it looked like she was holding on for dear life with the wall while muttering stuff to herself.

"Uhh... Rambutan Cookie? You okay?" Asked Mala Sauce Cookie, clearly showing concern.

She didn't respond, only looking at her with a shocked face.

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