Update: my absence from this story

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To any fan of my writing (if such thing exists) and a fan of BC x FairyTail, wondering why I haven't updated the story in a while, I know it's been a few months.

I haven't forgotten or anything like that, I'm not busy or nothing. I'm the complete opposite, I'm lazy.

Anyone thinking I'm that lazy I Don't care. Again it's the opposite, I love this story idea.

Unlike the rest of stories where I put in or write down any idea is really good. They're ideas but it's just that: something in my head.

I want to put my heart and soul into this story (I know it's wierd, writing an update after 4 chapters. Doesn't matter) this is something I want to put my all into.

This isn't Hybrid on the run where I might change something everytime I get a good idea. Let the brain do the work

I want to write this where I'm happy with each chapter and get as close to the characters and interactions as I can.

And TBH I'm not even sure about the rest of the previous chapter after Team Natsu meets up in town square, I have these ideas for somewhere down the line sure but in 3 or 6 months it might not match what I'm going for.

I don't want to write this story where I need to think of something and forget it when I'm halfway through. I want to write this and let my mind take a break, let my hands do the work. That probably came out wrong.

Coming from someone who feels next to nothing from any form of media or entertainment (other than anger or boredom): movies, gaming, books, reading, socialising and so on.

I want to put my all into this, when I truly feel ready. I want this to be as accurate and as good as I possibly can.

Much like Asta and Natsu: if I'm not putting my all into this, I'm not doing it at all.

When I do update the story hopefully it's all heart and soul. And no thinking, if or when my fingers start writing on their own, that's when I want to be writing.

I'm still gonna write and work on Hybrid on the run and my other projects but if or when the time is right hopefully this story will be this/that much better.

Thanks for reading and making it this far. I know this was boring for you you are true legends. I hope this clears things up, thank you, enjoy your time (I'm in 🇦🇺, its midnight down here) and take care

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