No Turning Back (A Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji Story) Chapter 20

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Sebastian's P.O.V.

Days passed, I tried to keep myself scarce around my Mistress. As of lately, she's kept to herself, only leaving her room to eat with her family.

Although this is normal considering it's what she's been doing since she moved here; what isn't normal is the restrictions she's given me.

I had gone to her room early in the morning to change her bandages on her arm; only to be halted by a sign that had been taped to the outside her door.

Stay Out, Sebastian

When I had confronted her about it, she hit me with a cold look, her eyes piercing and her shoulders stout.

I hadn't seen this side of her, not even when she found out about Ciel. I felt the blast of rejection before she even opened her mouth; the effect this woman has on me is deafening.

"I'm busy with personal things that are none of your business. Plus, I don't want to be around you anymore than I have to be. I can take care of my own wounds, Sebastian."

I'm completely useless to my Mistress; it hit me just then. It infuriated me just as much as it saddened me.

Today marked three days since she locked me out of her room, away from her. I'd meet her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the dining room, but half the time she'd hardly spare me a look.

 Something about her presence though would be different.

Her skin seemed to be smoother, the scars that were once risen and obvious, looked hardly noticeable. Her hair, the silken dark waves, looked fuller and even longer, touching the middle of her back. Even her lips looked pinker, her cheeks flushed with life.

Is this just the natural healing cycle of a witch... or was she up to something these last few days?

Nevertheless, the changes in her appearance called to something all too foreign in my loins. Having to resist my urges has begun to grow more and more difficult. Having only a taste of her that one time... I want more.

As I finished folding the sheets for Vicky's room, I felt the mental pull from Lucy, something I haven't felt in forever.

Maybe she's finally ready to talk?

I dropped the sheets and immediately made a beeline for my Mistress's room. I halted at the door, knowing better than to enter without her permission. An order is an order, whether verbal or on paper, so this cursed sign is the only thing keeping me from my beautiful witch.

And her obvious frustration with me.

I knocked lightly.

"Mistress? Did you call for me?"

From here, I can smell something strangely earthy, but it was masked by an even odder perfume that I know cannot be contained in a bottle.

What is she up to in there?

"Yes, come in. Close the door behind you though." She called.

Immediately alarm bells went off in my head as I opened the door, only to be assaulted by smoke that covered the room.

The smoke was where the strange perfume was coming from, though it doesn't seem thick enough to harm her, it certainly is strong. The room was lit only by wax candles set up in different corners, the smoke wavering in thin wisps as I spotted my Mistress, sitting criss cross on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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