No Turning Back (A Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji Story) Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV

Deciding on something relatively simple, I slipped on a plain tight short sleeve black shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants, shrugging when I noticed my bare feet. Socks are overrated anyways...

With that in mind, I left my room, taking in a deep lungful of air and decending the stairs and slightly limping my way into the kitchen, satisfied with the sound of plates clicking together and soft chattering of my family.

The large cherry oak doors that led into the dining room were already wide open, saving me from the embarrassment of having to ask someone to open them for me considering my slight disability.

Just as I walked in, a crash of glass sounded right beside me and I flinched, almost tripping backwards; but Sebastian caught me from out of nowhere.

"How could you possibly give him the company, Mom?! Have you gone crazy?! He is completely irresponsible and the only reason he wants it is so he has an excuse to be a dick!" Vicky exclaimed, shooting daggers at her brother from across the dining room table.

Aunt Nikki sat, an expression of disappointment and amusement mixing. Jesse sat across from the hysteric Vicky, trying to hide his smirk of satisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Young Mistress. I was just about to come up and warn you, but you beat me to it." Sebastian mumbled so I could hear.

After setting me back firmly on my feet, he went to clean up the scattered glass from the cup that had apparently felt Vick's untimely wrath.

"Victoria, I've gone over this with you a million times now, why do I need to repeat myself? I gave your brother and you an ultimatum a few years ago; whomever finishes the required education to succeed in my place, will get the company when I retire. Jesse has done so; you have not." She explained calmly, sipping from her coffee.

Jesse smiled, eating silently as Vicky fumed.

"Uh... Is this a bad time?" I finally spoke up, feeling completely out of place.

Aunt Nikki's head snapped up, eyes widening slightly.

"Lucy, honey! I'm sorry, dear... I didn't hear you come in." She sputtered, for once looking out of place and a tad embarrassed.

Jesse looked up, eyes twinkling with something I didn't recognize... But didn't want to.

Sebastian came over to help me into the seat next to Vicky, filling up my plate for me before setting it down.

Vicky looked like she was really biting her tongue; she must have sensed me peaking at her because she looked over and almost smiled when I gestured for her to continue.

"Don't let me stop this; it's pretty amusing." I chuckled.

She didn't even hesitate.

"Mom, that's not fair; he's older than me! You can't just make this decision by that kind of requirement; I still have a year to go before I finish! Why would-"

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