No Turning Back (A Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji Story) Chapter 19

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Sebastian’s P.O.V.

Following two teenage girl’s around a mall would normally be a rather unpleasant experience, but I found myself smiling at Lucy and Vicky’s jokes as they strode around. I, of course, kept my distance to give them privacy, but it wasn’t hard to catch onto their words.

The ‘errand’ Lucy claimed Vicky had to run, turned out to be several errands, as we walked out of the fourth store in the last two hours. One store for candles, another for lotion, and the last two looking for incense sticks.

Although I kept offering to carry their bags, Vicky shrugged me off with a scowl.

“I can carry my own weight, but thanks for the offer.” She’d scoff.

You’d think the mall would be pretty calm on a Sunday evening, but to my surprise, it was crawling with end-of-the-week shoppers. It didn’t take me long to notice Vicky getting more and more uncomfortable at the crowds of people, though Lucy handled the stares and unwelcome unintentional touches with grace.

Lucy continued to give me the cold shoulder, up to the point Vicky stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of this soap and bath accessories shop. I almost ran straight into her, keeping close while in the tiny shop.

It was Lucy that pulled me to stand flush next to her, out of Vicky’s way.

I was about to ask her what the problem was when, she shushed me.

“Just watch.”

Vicky stood, back arched subtly, only to the point that Lucy and I would notice the difference. She looked straight ahead, blankly at the wall across from her, as if in a confused trance. Then, she was out of it, as if nothing happened. She blinked a bit, then looked around the store, grey eyes searching almost frantically.

An overweight woman staring into a shelf of scented shampoos caught her attention. Lucy grabbed my arm with her bad hand and ushered us forward, at a distance as Vicky approached the woman, with a pleasant smile.

“Excuse me, I’m so sorry to interrupt you. My name is Vicky, you wouldn’t happen to be Ella, would you?” she held out her hand politely.

The woman blinked in surprise, but quickly recovered and nodded.

“Uh, yes. Yes, my name is Ella. It’s nice to meet you, Vicky, dear.” She sputtered, shaking her hand.

I noticed straight away how soft spoken the woman was, and her distinctly Irish accent.

“I’m going to get straight to the point. I have the ability to feel the presence of those that have passed on from this world to the next. A man caught my attention a few moments ago and asked me to tell you something. You’re here buying things for your daughter’s camping trip correct?”

The shock hit me fast; how could she be so blunt? Did this strong headed teenager actually have such a gift?

The woman blinked hard, nodding numbly.

“He said so, he said saying so would make sure you know I’m not some weirdo. Does the name Tedd sound familiar?”

The woman’s hands shook as she reached up to cover her gaping mouth.

“Oh… Oh my god. Y-Yes! Yes, that’s my deceased husband!”

Vicky smiled softly, gently taking the woman’s pudgy hand.

“Tedd came to me just a moment ago and pleaded with me, to tell you that he loves you very much. Even after all this time. And that you don’t have to feel guilty about wanting to share your life with another man. Tedd wants you to be happy.”

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