Chapter 10:This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things!

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Naruto woke the next morning with a pounding headache and the taste of sake lingering in his mouth. Every fiber of his being ached, his muscles throbbing in places he didn't even know he'd had. It felt as though he'd been put through a meat grinder, carved up and put back together at some point since his sleep. Groaning, he opened his eyes... every man's wet dream. He had to blink multiple times to clear his vision, almost unable to believe what he was looking at. The taste of sake still lingered on his tongue, suggesting he'd done a fair bit of drinking last night after he'd crushed Minato's spirit. Gah. There it was again. The reminder of what Kushina -and by default he himself- had done to that poor boy. The look in his eyes had been completely soul-shattering one moment, then full of venom the next.

He was almost certain he'd made an an enemy of his father last night. But try as he might, he couldn't think of a way to undo it. Not without giving Kushina to him and he wasn't willing to do that. Not now. Nor ever. It was so strange! The reborn Uchiha still wasn't all that certain when he'd gone from viewing her as his mother to a separate person but it was impossible to make a distinction between the two now. Kushina was Kushina and that was that. Not his mother. Just Kushina.

Ah, but he digressed. Back to the coffin of flesh in which he found himself.

In other words...

...he awoken to find himself surrounded by women.






At some point he must've gone home; because, here he was in bed and so were they. That was the problem. He must've been exhausted, because he didn't recall anything other than turning the doorknob and walking in on Mikoto with a bottle of sake. Doubtlessly, there had been some drinking done to resolve his guilt. It really shouldn't have bothered him that much-this lapse in his memory-but somehow it did. The idea of missing even a few seconds was truly quite troublesome. Way back During the Fourth Shinobi War when he'd still been an Uzumaki something like this often meant someone was trying to put him under a genjutsu or worse, the Moon's Eye Plan was starting to affect him. He very much doubted that this was some trick of the mind, but just to be safe...

"Kai." he muttered, pulsing his chakra and trying to dispel the genjutsu. Just in case. Nothing happened. Kushina was still taking up firm residence on his right arm and Mikoto his left, whilst Karura and Pakura had nigh but taken up residence lower on his body, his legs to be precise. Coupled with a certain Hyuuga, the five of them barely fit on his bed! So much for trying to take things slow.

What baffled him was thus: why were they naked? More importantly why was he naked? Guh! And when the hell had Hoshi gotten here? He distinctly recalled parting with her back at Ichiraku! But here she was, draped across his chest like fine silk, her cheek nuzzled against. She was surprisingly light he realized. Soft, too. Gah! Stop that! Dooooown boy! Sity! Stay! The reborn Uchiha chastised himself for that mental slip, realizing he was actually relishing in the feel of her bare breasts against his own chest, the fact that he was still inside her-what? What?! WHAT?!

Oh dear sweet Kami, have mercy on my misbegotten soul and take me from this world!

Naruto tried to slam a lid on that train of thought before it could run off the tracks but it was too late; he realized exactly what had happened last night. What was still happening. He'd gotten drunk last night and tossed aside all inhibition. Fucked Hinata's mother. And probably everyone else in this room, if their naked bodies were to be believed. He could already feel a migraine coming on.

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