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@dispatch it's official! agustd and taehyung are a couple!

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@dispatch it's official! agustd and taehyung are a couple!

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@yoongisheart I'm so happy for them!! 💗💞

@taegistan I just woke up and I see this, wtf! this is amazing!!! congrats guys

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@agustd just surprised this cutie with flowers

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@agustd just surprised this cutie with flowers. ;)

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@taehyungieeee yahhh, hyungieee! don't make me blush 😳

@imtallerthanyou ^ awhh, I'm so happy for you guys. although I already knew 🙊🤚💞💗

@uaremyhope we should all meet up. Its about time we all get to know each other! 💫💫

@goldenclosetfilms ^ yeah, i'll make a gc for us all!


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