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@taewithlove:  married to the love of my life

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@taewithlove: married to the love of my life. @dryoongi

12,924,479 likes • liked by @dryoongi and 12,924,478 others.

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@dryoongi: i love you, peach..

@lovelyseokz: omg i actually loved the wedding! it was so romantic..

@dreamingjin: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! omg i'm so happy for ya'll

@moonmin: awh..ya'll look so cute!!

@jiminiepab0: OMG CONGRATS!

@jungkookarchive: ya'll are so romantic... i loved the wedding!

@rmthetaegishipper: congratulations, guys! have a good honeymoon!

@taewithlove: ^ thank you! <3


(a/n: they won't be posting whilst they're on the honeymoon! the duration of their honeymoon is five days so the next post will obviously be after the honeymoon.)


@jungkookarchive: I don't know how this happened but

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@jungkookarchive: I don't know how this happened but..oof jins going to kill me

13,876,367 likes • liked by @dreamingjin and 13,876,366 others.


@moonmin: Jesus fuck jungkook..

@rmthetaegishipper: maybe don't take a fucking picture and sort the fire out?

@jungkookarchive: ^ good thinking, hyung!

@taewithlove: put water on it, it'll stop!!

@dryoongi: and this is the first thing I see after my fucking honeymoon..? wow.

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