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@moonmin got this bag for our tour!

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@moonmin got this bag for our tour!

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@jungkookarchive WHY IS THERE SO MANY OF ME 😭😭

@taewithlove  i'mma get one with yoongi-hyung! 

@dryoongi ^ why me?

@taewithlove ^ because they look funny??

@dreamingjin i'm getting one of me ;) 

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@jungkookarchive  Just got my new bag! can't wait for our tour so i can flex about my bag!!😋✌

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@jungkookarchive  Just got my new bag! can't wait for our tour so i can flex about my bag!!😋✌

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@taewithlove imma get one next! 

@moonmin boy, i look sexy..

@peachyjoonie fucks sake, another bag?? 

@btsisthebest i can see his underwear.... 💀

@jiminiepab0o i want that bag now tbh 

@jinsmukbangyt  is it on redbubble?? 

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@taewithlove  ya'll, my yoongi bag looks super lit! 🤠

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@taewithlove  ya'll, my yoongi bag looks super lit! 🤠

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@dryoongi I look shit. 

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