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Letters from No One

[Back at the Dursleys'. Petunia and a bundled up Dudley come in.]

Petunia: [assuring a distressed Dudley] It's all right, sweetheart. It's all right.[They walk in the living room. Alessia and Vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves Alessia against a wall, taking her hair in his fist.]

"That's it Bella, my dear dear cousin how about your favorite game" Sirius asked with a glint in his eyes that made everyone remember that Black Madness is a thing.

"I'll join. Im sure my brother will too" Artemis declared as Apollo nod his head tensly. 'Someone had hurt his favorite cousin. They would pay for it'

All Alessia could do was hide in Tom's chest and try to stop the tears. She knew they said they all cared for her, but actually hearing it made her feel wanted and loved.

Hades pulled Alessia on to his lap and spoke sweet nothings to her as he and Tom tried to get her to calm down.

Alessia: Ow!

Vernon: What happened?!

Alessia: I swear I don't know! [Vernon snarls] One minute, the glass was there and then it was gone! It was like magic![Vernon scoffs at this, shoves Alessia in the cupboard under the stairs and slams the door]

Vernon: There's no such thing as magic!

"Hello...YES THERE IS"

[he blackens out the vent on the door][An owl flies into view and lands itself on a TV aerial on one of the houses' roof]

(Extended Version)

[The camera slowly pans up to reveal Dudley in his smartest school uniform, posing and smiling grandly.]

Petunia: Awww, smile. [She takes a photograph of him. She gasps in joy.] Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week you'll be off to Smeltings.

Vernon: Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life.

Alessia: Will I have to wear that, too?

[They draw their attention to Alessia]

Petunia: What, you? Go to Smeltings? [Alessia nods, questionably]

Vernon: Ha!

[They laugh in amusement]

Petunia: Oh, don't be so stupid, you're going to the state school where you belong. [Goes to the kitchen and fishes out a old grey dress in a boiler.] And this is what you're gonna be wearing when I've finished dyeing it.

Alessia: But that's your old uniform. It'll fit me like bits of old Elephant skin.


"Tell us your ways" The Weasley twins said standing and bowing to her. As she tried to suppress the laugh that was sure to come.

Petunia: It'll fit you well enough. Go get the post. [Alessia then heads to the hallway] Go!

(Normal Version)

[Alessia leaves the living room area into the hallway and picks up some letters, one of which has her name on it with her address of where she slept. Uncle Vernon and Dudley sit at the table while Aunt Petunia is busy fixing breakfast. Alessia walks in with the mail and hands it to Uncle Vernon, then walks to her seat with her letter.]

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