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The Girl Who Lived

[Later back in the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid and Alessia, are at a long table, eating soup. Everything is too quiet, Hagrid soon notices this.]

Hagrid: You all right, Alessia? You seem very quiet.

"Alessia quiet...THE WORLDS ENDING" the Demigods yelled causing her to roll her eyes and pout.

Alessia: He killed my parents, didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know, Hagrid, I know you do.

Hagrid: [sighs and pushes his bowl away] First, and understand this, Alessia, 'cause it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V-...his name was V-...

"He won't say it pup" Sirius sang

Alessia: Maybe if you wrote it down?

Hagrid: No, I can't spell it. All right. [quietly] Voldemort.

"What....But...How? Sirius asked confused

"Ms. Potter is very good at getting people to do the unlikly" Professor McGonagall states with a smile

Alessia: Voldemort?

"Come on its not even he's really name!" Alessia says causing Tom to pick her up and place her om his lap

"Careful love" He warns her whispering in her ear. Sending shivers down her spine from his tone.

Hagrid: Shh!!

[Alessia looks around to see if anyone heard it]

Hagrid: It was dark times, Alessia, dark times.

[We flash over to a flashback on the night at Godric's hollow, consisting off a man dressed in periwinkle robes walking towards a house with a man following him like a robot, breaking in with his wand at hand, and proceeding to terrorize James.


James: Always knew it was you Dumble-a-door.

Dumbledore: James my boy, [he sighs before raising his wand and casting the killing curse]

Many in the great hall look ready to murder.

"Albus Dumbledore you are here by placed under arrest" Madam Bones states as golden chains incase his body to his chair.

As this is going on you can see both Remus and Sirius taking Alessia into their hold

"Shhhh Bambi"
"it's okay, they love you so very much"


Hagrid: Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em.


Lily: Mama loves you, Dada loves you, Papa loves you! Be strong sea star. Know that you are so loved [She kisses Alessia's forehead and slices her hand with her wand smearing blood on the crib activating the protection ruins carved into the side.]

Alessia sobs into Sirius chest reliving the horrible nightmare.

[The door is blown in]

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