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The Girl on the Radio|Dream

The Girl on the Radio|Dream

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The first time he was 15.

She was dreadfully beautiful and not that smart. They shared classes together and had the same friends. It was a silly kind of love, it was simple. They kinda liked each other, they were cute together and  it sounded about right loving her. The break up was simple. She moved away and didn't want a long distance relationship.

The second time he was 18.

It almost killed him. He loved her so much that the thought of not being by her side pained his soul. He used to drive 20 hours just to be with her. He would chase the four winds for her. He would give everything just to see her smiling. But it wasn't enough. It came to an end, they had to grow up. She needed to go to college and he was dealing with his job and internet issues. But actually ending that, all the he built for them almost killed him.

But he never felt like he is feeling now.

He is walking around his mother while she is trying to brew some coffee. His head is a hurricane and his heart is thumping so hard he can feel it on his knees.

"I think she hates me." Dream sat in by the kitchen isle and dropped his head in the cold marble.

"Why would she hate you?" His mom was just taking out a pie from the oven.

"I don't know." He sat upstraight and waved his hands. "We used to talk every single day almost all the time, she used to smile and laugh at me, she used to be able to stay more than 10 minutes with me before finding some excuse to leave. Now she can't. She doesn't send me any messages, she doesn't smile when I'm around and she always leaves when I join a call. I think she hates me."

"Why does it matter if she hates you?'' Penelope rescued the plates he was setting up on the table.

"BECAUSE SHE IS EVERYTHING.''  He got up to pace around again. "Happiness comes easier when I'm around her. Because she is an important part of my life but not like she needs to be here every single second, but I can't see myself without her by my side. She feels like sunsets in the beach and flowers on a meadow. She scares the hell of me and yet she is my safe spot. She is the kind of person I never saw coming into my life. Just like George and Sapnap and different at the same time. She feels like home. No, She feels like where I belong, where I was always supposed to be. So if she hates me, I'd lose more then just a person, I'd lose my person. I'd lose everything."

"Does she know that? Does she know she means so much?" Amelia knew that her brother often didn't say to other people how he felt. He demonstrated but didn't say.

"I don't know. I never told her specifically but she could feel it." Amelia's worries were confirmed.

"Could she?" Felix voice came from behind them. "Could she feel it? Just because you feel it, it doesn't mean everyone can."

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