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I reeled her in for a torrid make-out session that's long been overdue.

It was for a good long 30 seconds until I fell out of breath so I broke away. As soon as I did, I was met by a decently strong slap across my left cheek.


was too stunned to speak. She slapped me again. Hard.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" She blurted, throwing daggers with her eyes toward me.

"No, nothing's wrong with me- What's wrong with you?!? I thought you liked it... Didn't you?"

"No! Who are you? What even are you? You could have at least told me that before you casually suck on my lips like we've been married for five years."

"Oh but we are. Even more than five."  I carefully took a few steps forward, trying to coax her with some sweet talk but she just stood there still unfazed, yet looking even more confused.

Then again, maybe I'm confused.

"Wait," I paused, analyzing the situation. "What year is it again?" She lowered down her guard.

"It's 2022 and I think you've mistaken me for somebody else. I also think it's time for you to go back to where you're from. It's not safe for you out here. You being here is not safe for us, either." She spat, wiping her lips with the back of her hand.

I spatial jumped not far from the infirmary and sat down on the rubbles of what was once an office wall to think about what went wrong again.

"If this is 2022, then why is Dolores here?" I spoke my thoughts out loud as I paced around. 

"That's because you were drugged and I'm not Dolores." The next thing I felt was a needle piercing through my neck and I blacked out.


I couldn't believe I was taking a stranger home. And what's worse is, I still live with my annoying older brother. I had no other choice. I could not bring him to a hotel or a hospital. Sure, I was a genius. But at this point, I would rather trade in my braincells for billions.

I placed him on the swivel chair again, pushing him to the parking lot where my dad's car was parked. Thankfully, the extent of the damage of the explosion was limited to only what was inside the building. 

The drug I injected him with would hopefully flush out the hallucinogen from his system. He would be conscious again in about 30 minutes. Just enough time for me to drive him home. In the mean time, I played Kiss Her You Fool by Kids That Fly on the road in hopes of being able to think of what excuse to tell my brother.

Instead, I couldn't get the thought of him kissing my mouth. I hate to admit it. But...

It felt great.

I couldn't help smiling like crazy as I held the steering wheel. Butterflies were rowdy in my stomach. God, this is so stupid. 

As soon as we arrived, I placed his arms around my shoulders so I could hold up his weight on my back. We walked towards the door, I rung the bell, and my ever obnoxious brother held the door open with a teasing smirk up on his face.

"Hmm. I see... Rescuing your boyfriend from a fight so you could get sum hot sex as a reward right after, huh? 

"S-shut up, Felix! Be helpful for a second."   I blushed, mortified after immediately being possessed by the ghost of the memory of that torrid kiss we shared earlier. If he had just kept on a little longer back then, maybe.... Just maybe, it could have led to somewhere else. I hope I don't get myself too close like that ever again.


You closed your eyes and shrugged the thought off as you carried the stranger up a short flight of stairs with the help of your brother. You both laid the stranger on your bed. Felix then left you two alone in your bedroom.

As soon as he did, you locked the door. 

"Geez, sis. Calm the fuck down. I'll let you fuck in peace, don't worry."

"I'll only be changing his clothes. Not taking off any underwear. No fucking at all. SO DON'T STICK YOUR EAR ON THAT DAMN DOOR, YOU PERVERT. Don't have any dirty thoughts!" You threatened Felix.

Things fell silent again but you heard a pen clicking and some silent scratching on paper. Felix let a note slip through the gap under your door.

"No dirty thoughts. Got it. But I doubt you won't be having any." 

You crumpled the paper and threw it in the small steel bin you had beside your study table. You cleaned the stranger up again.  Properly this time. Took out a clean white shirt and comfortable black pajamas from your neatly arranged closet.

You removed his blazer, vest, and tie. Neatly folded them and placed them on your study table. You checked the time. Anxiously. He could be awake any time now. 

You unbuttoned his sleeves, then his collar, button by button, you've undone them downwards so carefully. As soon as you finished unbuttoning his shirt, you sighed deeply. Relieved that some of the hard parts are done.

You started to numb his wounds with a topical numbing cream. Properly dressed his wounds, stitched ones that were necessary to patch up and bandaged ones that needed to be covered.

He winced. 

"Hey... If you wanted to see me undressed so badly, you could've just said so."  

He croaked, almost whispering, attempting to sit up slowly and rest his back on the headboard. 

"God, no. S-sorry. I'll leave now. You can dress yourself. Take my clothes for now. They're just right there." You frantically scampered out of the room, attempting to hide your flustered, red face that you sworn could have rivaled tomatoes.

You ran down the stairs and plopped yourself face down on the fluffy white sofa in your living room, going quite crazy. Your heart was pounding fast like it never had before. Your thoughts screamed loud inside your head. 

Like I said, 

I hope I don't get myself too close like that ever again.

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