Chapter 3

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I wake up feeling weak and like I'm going to throw up, which is probably because I didn't eat at all yesterday....Or the day before...And I also find that I forgot to plug my phone in last night, so now my phone is dead. This is such an amazing start to my day.

Shit, and Thomas is making a video today. Great, and I'm probably late. Yay.

First, I plug my phone in, then I get ready for the day. Once I'm finished, I take a couple deep breaths, before appearing into Thomas' living room.

The other sides seem to be having some sort of serious discussion..

They're purposely leaving you out. They think you're a burden.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Shut up. They don't think I'm a burden.

"Oh, hey, Virge." Thomas says, looking stressed. This makes me suspicious for two reasons: 1. Thomas usually isn't this anxious, and 2. The way he's saying that is extremely suspicious

I sigh and say,"....What's wrong,".

"Whaaa-?" Patton says, laughing, "What do you mean, kiddo? Nothing's wrong here. We're all fine and dandy." Patton says with a laugh, which totally isn't suspicious at all.

I look at all of them, each of them having a fake smile on their face, trying to get me to leave and not question them any further, all except Logan. "Ugh, Logan, can you just tell me what's going on? I'm getting tired of y'all avoiding my questions already." I say, slouching. God, am I tired. As soon as this is done I'm going back to bed.

Logan sighs, giving in, "Well, we are gathered here to talk about you, actually, Virgil."

"Great. I just love that. Can you tell me why exactly?" I've now just realized how Roman has stayed uncharacteristically quiet since they've noticed my appearance. Strange. Is he dying or something? He almost never shuts up.

"Well, your recent.....state has been taking an execrable toll on Thomas." Logan explains.

I sigh and rub my face, "Ok, I don't know what 'execrable' means, and I literally just woke up not even five minutes ago, so could you please explain what you just said like you're talking to a small child? Please?"

"Alright, fine." Logan stands up straighter and tightens his tie, attempting to regain some of his composure, but I can see in his eyes that he is extremely pissed off. "Your mood has been making everyone's mood bad. There." Wow, he finally explained something in a way all of us idiots can understand. "Did you get that? Or do I need to dumb it down further?" He says, pissed off for no reason.

"Jesus, man, give me a break." I say, "What did I do to you?"

"The thing is, all you get is breaks! Yesterday you slept the whole damn day. How could you possibly be this stressed?? It doesn't make any sense. There's no logical reason for all of this stress." Oh god, he is really pissed.

"That's none of your business." I said, suddenly becoming extremely pissed. Why does he care so much about what I do in my spare time?

"Obviously it is my business, since this is affecting Thomas. What has gotten you so stressed recently?" If Logan keeps pushing, he's not gonna like what he finds.

"Like I just said. That's none of your damn business. I don't get how this is such a big deal to where you have to call a meeting behind my back. It's technically my job to be stressed, so I don't know why you guys always hate me for just doing my job. I can't just turn the anxiety switch off, that's not how this works. I'm always stuck being anxious, no matter how hard I try to not be anxious. The longest I've not been anxious was 30 seconds. 30 goddamn seconds. So I don't want to hear your shit, asshat."

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