Chapter 6

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 AUTHORS NOTE [6/17/23] I'm so sorry for not having posted anything since last year... I just haven't had time to write but I promise I will try to write as much as I can this summer.

I wake up to realize that I forgot to plug my phone in before I fell asleep....for the tenth time this week. I just love my past self right now. I wish I could go back in time just to kick myself in the ass sometimes, but no one's made time traveling yet and I don't really feel like doing it myself, so I guess I'm just stuck with regretting my past life choices.

I groan as I get up, still tired as hell even after a full 8 hours of sleep, and plug my phone in.

I stare at the screen until I see the tiny little apple symbol pop up.

I roll my eyes and mutter, "Finally." I enter in my passcode and check my notifications.

After a while of just sitting around on my phone, at about 9:30 I decide to go downstairs to get some breakfast.

Usually Patton makes breakfast at 8 or 9, but I guess he got up later than usual, since he's in the kitchen making food when I walk down.

"How's it going, kiddo?" He says, dark circles under his eyes, and a cup of coffee in his hand. As he lifts the cup to his mouth, though, I notice his hand shake. Like, not just normal shake, like the type of shake that happens when you've drunk around 5 cups of coffee. I would know, I've done that multiple times.

"I could ask you the same thing. You good, Pat?" I ask. I can tell everyone can sense the amount of worry in my voice, since all of them, including Logan, drop whatever they're doing and look up at us.

Patton just stares at me for around 2 seconds with a blank expression on his face, then says, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He chuckles into his cup, and takes a couple sips of coffee.

"Uh, well, you're shaking really bad, Patton."

Patton gives me a confused look, and looks down at his hands.

He just looks back up and smiles at me "Oh! I guess you're right kiddo!" He laughs a little, trying to ease my worries, but this only makes me more worried.

"Patton, exactly how many cups of coffee did you drink?" Logan places his book down, spine facing up, and gets up from his seat on the couch, slowly walking over to Patton.

"Only a little!" He promised, with a giggle and a large smile on his face.

Logan didn't seem to like that answer. When he got over to where Patton was, he crossed his arms and looked down at Patton, asking him once again, "Patton. How many cups of coffee did you drink?" His voice was stern, like a mother interrogating their child about if they took the last bagel.

Patton sighs, and looks at the ground. He stays like that for a bit, either contemplating his life, or accepting defeat.

"Not that many, I swear." He says, finally looking up at us.

Logan looks at Patton with more love than I've ever seen in his eyes, and says "Patton-" he looks at me and Roman, apparently just now realizing we were here, and then looks back at Patton. "Come with me." He walks up the stairs without looking back, and Patton follows him.

Roman and I are silent for a moment after they've left, still staring at the stairs.

Roman's the first to break the silence.

"Wha....??" He says. I couldn't agree more.

I look at Roman and Roman shortly looks at me. "What's wrong with Patton?" I ask, knowing Roman didn't know the answer. There's no harm in asking.

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