Slender Doll Ally

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By: Invaderlka

A tear ran through the five year old's mind as she heard her brother's cries of anguish.

"You can't do this! She's only a little girl! She's your own flesh and blood!"

A gruff, angry voice slurred back,

"That small abomination is not my daughter. That's a hell spawn. A freak!"

Adeline pulled the doll closer to her chest as she heard those words. Her father always frightened her, especially when he was drunk. Always yelling, always cursing, always beating her. She sniffled, it wasn't her fault that voices told her things.

She could hear her brother, Johnathan pleading with her father to calm down.

"Dad, please! She's not-" Johnathan's voice was suddenly cut off with a yelp.

"That'll teach you to argue with me, boy."

Her father said quietly before stomping to her bedroom door. The door flung open to reveal her father's angry, drunken visage. He was still wearing his mining outfit and covered in soot from the coal mine he worked at. His dark brown hair was completely black now because of it. He glared at her with his brown drunken eyes. Adeline couldn't help but cower even more in the corner. She could see the drunken rage in his eyes

"Are you still hearing your "friends" talk to you?" He asked with mock curiosity.

Adeline stayed quiet, she'd learned long ago not to talk about the voices she heard. It wasn't her fault that they were the only friends she had. Besides Johnathan, they were the only things that seem to care for her. Then again, some weren't always friendly.

"I said, are your "friends" talking to you? He asked for a second time.

Again, Adeline chose not to answer. She continued to sit in the corner with her head down, trying her best to look anywhere but at her father's face. He didn't like it. Without warning he swept forward and slapped her face, causing her to tumble to the floor. He then grabbed her by the neck and yanked her up while yelling,


He held her up to his face, so close that she could see the few drops of whiskey in his mustache and smell it on his breath. Adeline was terrified by this point, she'd been beaten countless times before by her father, but never had he done something like this.

"What are you waiting for? Hit him. He has no right to question you like that." hissed one of the darker voices in her head.

But Adeline was too afraid to listen. With her lips trembling,

"'re not." She lied.

"Oh, they're not are they?" He said, not believing her for a second.

"How many times have I told you, not to lie to me...or call me your daddy?"

He raised a hand to slap her,

"You are no daughter of mine!"

Adeline closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable, but it never came. Her father, Mr. Abendroth continued to glare at her for a moment longer, then without warning dropped her. Adeline fell on her rump, confused. She slowly looked up at her father who leaned down and whispered in a harsh voice,

"You know, I won't need to hit you anymore, because after tomorrow your wretched existence will be gone from our lives."

With that he stood tall, giving her one last meaningful glare and headed out the door, but stopped short. He stood quietly for a moment before looking over his shoulder,

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