I Can't Wake Up

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By:Max Minton

Though I've spiced up the narrative a bit, this is a mostly accurate account of what happens to me on a regular basis. Throughout my life I've been diagnosed with various sleep disorders, the most common being insomnia. Some of the pills they give me to counter that end up with the opposite problem of me sleeping fifteen hours a day, and one of the drugs gave me night terrors.

In the end, I usually just take over the counter stuff to get to sleep, I just take a lot more than I should. Four or five pills a night. It does the job, and I can still wake up and do things. Unfortunately, there's a seven to eight hour period where I am more or less incapable of waking up. My dreams have come to reflect this. This is one of those dreams.

I'm in a room. It isn't particularly well lit, with only one small light in front of me. I look around, there's nothing in the room save some cabinets and a chair. For some reason, I feel compelled to leave.

When I do, I know I've made a mistake. I don't know why I feel that way, the hallway is unremarkable, with doors that presumably lead to rooms like mine, spaced consistently along the walls.

I begin walking, looking for something. I don't know what, but I'm looking. I get to the end of the hallway and see that it opens up into two more hallways, leading to the left and right. I look down both, they seem to be the same. I choose the right.

I get to the end of that hallway, it splinters off into one direction. I keep following it until I see that this direction doesn't actually lead anywhere. I go back to the original hallway I was in, and go left instead.

Suddenly it hits me. I'm in a maze.

As soon as that realization hits me, I can hear something else. A high-pitched, shrill cry of some kind of an animal. Its claws hitting the steel floor, click-clack, click-clack.

There's something here. Something with me. A dangerous animal.

Judging from the sound of its footsteps, it's walking, which means it doesn't know I'm here, yet. If I stay quiet, choose the way I go carefully, I may be able to get to the end of this maze without it even knowing I'm here.

I move faster, but I make sure my feet hit the ground as silently as possible, and it seems to be working. I get to another fork, but this one has three different directions, one going forward, two going to the left and right.

Going forward is always a trap, I think. I go to the left. It isn't long before I see another fork.

Click-clack. Click-clack. Click-clack.

It's going faster. It may be able to smell me. I'll give it something to smell, then. I take off some of my clothes, quickly run down a corridor, a dead end, and leave them there. It isn't a foolproof plan, but acts of desperation so rarely are.

I backtrack and keep moving.


It's at a full gallop now. It knows I'm here. It's hunting me. I got to keep moving. With any luck it'll go after the fake scent, that should keep it confused for a bit.

I hit a dead end. The sound is getting closer, but given that this a maze, it could be coming right down my hallway, or in the hallway over.

I'm not taking the chance. I go to the nearest door, which I've ignored up until now for a reason I can't place, and try to open it.

But it won't open. It's locked. I could force it, but that would make too much noise. I go to the next door. It's locked too. I look inside the glass window, and I'm shocked to see someone inside.

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