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By: Unknown writer

"I brought cupcakes!" Pinkie dropped the picnic basket on the ground and jumped around Fluttershy in ecstatic joy.

The yellow pegasus looked away bashfully. "Oh Pinkie, you didn't have to. You always make the best cupcakes, though."

The pink party pony giggled and held up a white lemon-frosted treat. "It's the secret ingredients I use! Here, I made this just for you! I just know you're going to love it!"

Fluttershy smiled gently and took a shy sniff at the cupcake. "Mm, it looks delicious, Pinkie. I'll save it for later, if you don't mind. I want to savor every bite. Come ..." Fluttershy turned around and walked inside.

Pinkie picked up the basket of cupcakes and followed, jumping around eagerly. "Ooh, you said you wanted to show me something. What is it, what is it? Is it inside?"

Fluttershy led the jumping pony into her cozy cottage. It was a wonderful, sunny day and the cottage was full of life as small critters ran in and out of windows, doors and holes, playing and frolicking in the warm summer air while birds were singing in the rafters. Pinkie spun around and around, almost falling over her own hooves in excitement. Fluttershy stopped in front of the stone oven.

Pinkie tilted her head. "The oven? You want to ... bake?"

Fluttershy chuckled softly. "Of course not, Pinkie. I knew I could count on you to bring something to eat, even if you didn't have to. Hold on ..." The pegasus ruffled her feathery wings a little and pushed against the side of the heavy oven. With a slow, grating noise the oven slid to the side, revealing a secret trapdoor beneath.

Pinkie stared with wide eyes. "Ooh ... super secret sliderific spaces! What's down there? Is it—Ooh! A secret superhero lair! Are you a secret superhero?"

Fluttershy opened the trap door, revealing a flight of stairs. "I would make a terrible superhero, don't you think, Pinkie? Just imagine," the yellow pegasus lowered her head, ears as far back as they could go in a perfectly good imitation of her usual timid self, "'Um ... e-excuse me mister mugger, I-I'm sorry ... would you be so kind as to not beat up that old mare, you know, um, if you wouldn't mind.'"

Pinkie snorted and fell over on her side in laughter. "Oh Fluttershy, you so silly!"

Fluttershy blushed and gestured for the stairs.


The two ponies walked down the old stairs. Fluttershy was leading the way. A musty, old smell wafted up at them from below. They came to a heavy wooden door. Fluttershy paused in front of it and turned to Pinkie. "I want to show you something, Pinkie. It is my most prized collection. I don't show it to many ponies, but I want to share it with you because you're ... special," the yellow pegasus blushed again, "and it would make me so happy to know that you like it too."

Pinkie gave Fluttershy a friendly pat on the mane. "Aww, Fluttershy. You know I will."

Fluttershy pushed the door open and allowed Pinkie to walk inside. Pinkie didn't notice Fluttershy locking the door behind them as she gazed down the dark, winding tunnel before her. "Wow, Fluttershy. It's ... kinda dark down here."

Fluttershy walked up beside Pinkie and smiled at her. "Oh yes, it has to be. You don't want to disturb the little critters. Come on."

Pinkie looked at Fluttershy as the yellow pegasus trotted along. "Critters?" Pinkie followed, her usual eagerness a little muted by the ambiance.

Up ahead Fluttershy stopped and turned to Pinkie, looking expectantly at the pink pony. Pinkie trotted up to her and stopped, her eyes drawn to the alcoves on both side. Huge clusters of cocoons hung from the walls and ceiling of the recesses. Pinkie edged a little away from the silky conglomerations.

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