Chapter 6 - Andreea

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The noise in the kitchen is hearable meters away. Stepping in I notice the beautiful architecture of the place. Marble on the walls, shining floor, and plenty of talkative cooks. Clearly, this whole restaurant is a masterpiece.

I spot Nour in the back. She was holding three plates at once. I can't wait to be able to do that too. "Need help with those?"

She turns to me with a wide smile. "Thanks, Reea." We headed out of the kitchen as she pursued. "So, you and Zack?" Of course.

"Zack and I have nothing. Trust me, it was taken out of context." She rolled her eyes and we put on a smile serving the two nearby tables. My eyes scanned around and there was no sign of Matteo to watch my every move.

She waited for me as I handed a man his bill "I hope you enjoyed your meal sir, have a good day." I sincerely started adapting to this job. I've done a few minor works like babysitting, and working in events or fairs but nothing too serious. Surprisingly, this place is almost stress-free because of my friends being with me. You merely can't be seen by Mister Mateo fooling around or you risk being threatened with being fired.

Apparently, yesterday a guy named Max who has been working here for weeks as a part-time job got fired because Mateo reported to his father that he kept pulling pranks on the coworkers -obviously, he never did on Mateo -

I approached Nour and led her to the elevator doors pressing the button. Once we stepped in she turned to me with a smirk. "Now that we're on the crime scene, tell me what happened. I want details. "

The elevator doors opened on the second floor. And what great timing it was when we spotted Isla waiting for it. "You guys are going on a break too?" She didn't have time to enter the compact room - which was even smaller in my memories of a few hours ago - when Nour took her by the arm. "What's going on?"

"We all witnessed Andreea and Zack getting awfully close in this elevator and she was about to explain what happened." She's always been the dramatic kind.

Isla clasped her hand on her mouth "Zack? My bet was on Mateo how did it even happen."

I cut them. "A bet- ?"

"No she's definitely better with Zack haven't you noticed the heart eyes he's been giving her ever since he first saw her? " She notices Zack apparently giving me love eyes, but not Noa being all over her. I sometimes feel like strangling her.

Isla removes her headphones. "Nah I still think Mateo is the one for her, Reea broke about nine glasses ever since we introduced her and he still didn't fire her, that's super suspicious " Isla, on the other hand, is delusional.

The doors opened, and as we walk to the staff room I decide to interfere. "And I think you guys should calm down and let me explain."

I close the door and let my body fall on the couch with a sigh. The girls were studying my face waiting for the story. I give them a full report.

The truth is, I've always dreamed of experiencing this troubling spark in-love people get to feel toward their significant other, but I never got to feel it yet. Let's say my parents are pretty strict when it comes to having a boyfriend. Yeah... I'm fresh in my twenties and it's still that way.

Ever since I found interest in romance, watching and reading about people loving each other and the build-up behind their relationships passions me. I can't help but hope to find the love I so often read about. The pure one with the never-ending chemistry, when you know each other for years but still shake like a leaf at every touch.

Therefore, I've never had a boyfriend before, and my friends know it. I've kissed very few guys in the past, so I can't wrap my head around how I almost kissed Zack.

Isla takes my hand in hers. "Andreea, whether you like him or not be careful with him okay?" I give her an intrigued look.


"I've known him for a bit you know, and I can see how easily he charms people to get what he wants. I also heard girls complain about his player manners. I never said anything in case it's just rumored but, don't you find it weird how quickly things escalated?"

She was right.

Putting her hand on top of ours, Nour looked at me with a smile ."I mean, when are we not supposed to be cautious when it comes to boys and relationships." She lifted her finger. "I don't know him as well as Dove over there, and even if I'm rooting for yall don't give in immediately babe."

Dove was a surname Nour invented for Isla because of her beautifully dyed white hair.

Masked by our laughter, we didn't hear the door opening revealing Noa.

"What's up girls."

Nour got up walking to him shooting us a wink. "Chatting about your friend, nothing important."

"Which friend?" Noa crossed his arms on his chest.

Nour tapped his torso with her palm. "None of your business."

His cheeks were slowly turning red noticeable enough on his darker skin. Isla glanced at me witnessing the same thing I did.

Noa cleared his throat adjusting his tie. "Anyways, Nour I just wanted to remind you and the girls about the road trip this weekend."

She gasped. "Oh, I totally forgot about that."

Isla and Nour told me about this annual road trip they do at the beginning of summer. I can't wait to be a part of it this year, I missed the atmosphere of campfires so much.

Noa came closer to Nour and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Mind sharing your tent with me?" I let out a chuckle.

"Sure why not? We've known each other for years I wouldn't mind." She came back on the couch between us clearly unaware of his seduction attempt.

"Perfect, won't bother you girls any longer." Noa left with a huge grin.

Isla was hitting her head against the pillow repetitively so I talk. "Are genuinely blind or simply stupid?" She turns to me clueless.

"The guy offered to sleep with you, he's been sending you signals for a while." Isla growls.

"You think so?"

"We know" I affirm.

"But, the guy is a very friendly person I doubt he's sending any signals or something like that."

I shrug. "Mark my words Isla, he'll make a move this summer I can feel it."

Isla gave me the thumbs-up sign.

Getting up I go to my locker and grab my things. "My shift ends at one today."

"So you're leaving us like that." Isla hugged me.

Nour takes me in her embrace. "Yep, let's hang out soon."

Still having work to do, Nour pulls Isla by her arm making her growl. "Sure thing, come on now Isla we got have to go back upstairs." She sighs forcing her out of the room.

"Bye Reea!"

I grab my book and my bag happy to finally go home. I head to the staircase because I've had too much of the elevator for the day and untie my hair from my ponytail what a heavenly feeling.

As I was almost at the stairs when I heard familiar voices. Taking a few more steps, I obviously had to come face to face with the two boys my best friends were betting on. Naiba.

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