Chapter 22 - Mateo

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"Nearly $8,000 out of your bank account? And for a book?" My father enjoys screaming at me during his free time. "Well, it's always more profitable than your absurd musical purchases." He says lifting his journal to cover his face from the sun since he installed himself on the patio near our front door. He insinuates my flute.

Ignoring him as I always do, I pass my keys to Charles, who welcomes me with a cordial smile. This man has this skill of knowing me better than my own parent. As I was entering the house he mumbled for only me to hear. "Don't worry I won't tell him the reason." 

Whispering back I tell a terrible lie. "The reason is behind us now anyways."

As she likes to say, I'm not a particularly empathetic person, but this time I have to be and stop everything before the truth slowly unravels itself like it always does. I need to distance myself from Alina.

"What if you tell her everything-."

I gently grab Charles by the arm and lead him inside far from my father's view. "The girl almost went homeless Charles. Homeless. I've witnessed with my own eyes how the possibility of losing her scooter destroys her." 

My father entered skeptically as Charles coughed to hide our secret discussion. "Anyways Mateo," Charles pats my shoulder. "You'll keep ranting to me about your adoration for Mariam later, okay? I got to go now." He nods to my father as I observe him exit the mansion.

Oh, the asshole. I mean, he still sort of saved me. "Right, see you later." I wave at him from afar and he winks putting his thumbs up.

My dad waited for Charles to vacate completely before confronting me. "Cut the act, son." I reacted with a dazed look on my face as he signaled me to follow him to his office.

Closing the door behind me I sigh getting ready for another one of his lecturing sessions. Him having access to my bank account is dangerous and I knew it would backstab me.

I would like to say it was an impulsive purchase, that I saw it by pure chance online, thought Alina would love it because of her strange addiction to this one book, and decided to buy it. But it wasn't precisely like that. I cannot explain what went through my mind, it was like a need.

Something I had to do and not Zack

Indeed, once she was done helping me after the fire camp incident,  I was tired of hearing her fangirl on this famous edition and so I bought her dream book. It took me a while to search for the one in the best condition, but if I had to gift this stubborn woman something, might it as well be in the best shape and form? This inexplicable attention now ruined everything because I let something other than my logic do this foolish move. Just as I was getting comfortable around her crazy self.

Only mindless people prioritize their feelings, just like my father. I fear growing up to be like him.

In a short lapse of time, I already got too close to Alina. Perhaps, I enjoy fighting with her in front of everyone till her small face shifts to a pinkish red. As long as we speak I'm pleased, and look at me now putting an end to it. I do regret the way I spoke to her in the car, but she needs to keep the evil picture she has of me as much as it crushes me that she can't get to know the authentic me anymore.

It's better for both of us.

Before she entered my life I barely used my old Rolls Royce, now I drive it most of the time, in case she want to ride it. This shit went too far.

Whatever has been done now doesn't matter. She looks just alright with fucking Zack, and after Alina discovers what I've hidden from her she won't even face me again. 

Snapping me out of my thoughts, my father slams his fist on his marble table. 

He'll break it and find a way to blame me for sure.

"How is he doing?" Obviously, my father figures out everything.

My jaw clenches since I'm on my guard now. I don't want to continue the problems created by my mediocre father. "Fine, no thanks to you. I merely visited them once and they seem content. I guess he got offered a nice opportunity that saved the whole mess you made because you have no control over your feelings."

My father lets out a sigh demonstrating he's not completely delighted with my retort. Although, I decided to be honest.

Sensing where the discussion is heading, I slowly rise from my chair hoping he'll give up. That's not knowing my father properly, unfortunately.

My father's chair abruptly adjusts. "Not so fast, Mateo. You know damn well you put yourself in the situation without my help right?" 

He's not wrong, I could've stopped everything the day we met, the day I put the pieces together.

"Now, more precisely, how's his wife?"

"One of the most lovable people I've met. Hard to think she was ever involved with you." I respond with disdain on my face.

He lets out a hoarse laugh toying with his pen. "Ah son, if only you realized how similar we really are."

"I'll never be like you." Never.

"Oh yeah? We'll see how history will repeat itself with their daughter." My fists clenched and my heart rate accelerated. "What was her name again?"

"You can't do anything to her since I don't care about-."

"About Andreea Cazacu?" 

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