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"Okay what was that?" Heather asks looking directly at Bonnie as they reached their isolated table, they both sat down, their trays banging on the table,

"What was what?" Bon says taking a mouthful of food,

"Oh you know, maybe purposely banging into Jason, causing your food to go all over him and then calling him a prick" she laughs, enjoying Bon trying to hide what just happened,

"I don't really know if I'm honest, Jason and his so called basketball friends nearly ran me over with their car this morning, hence this-" bon points to her arm, her cheek wasn't too noticeable to Heather,

"Your joking, really?" Heather asks, Bon just nods her head in response,

"Well completely justified then, I would of just simply pushed the food into his face, let him know I did it on purpose but you know, you do you" she laughed taking a bite of her food.

Bonnie looks behind Heather and spots Eddie still standing up from the table full of his friends, he turned around right as she was looking over as he stood there and put up the rude finger, Bon was confused as she looked away and back on Heather.

"What's wrong?" Heather asked confusedly,

"Oh no nothing" Bon shook her head lightly, "I'm actually seeing Eddie again after school" she spoke quietly,

Heather looked surprised with a slight smirk,

"Really? Didn't think you'd want to show your face after what happened yesterday" she laughed to herself, trying to hide that she found it funny,

"Yeah well, don't worry I am not too thrilled but I need more, maybe even something stronger, I'm not sure yet" Bon spoke picking at her silver rings placed on her fingers,

"Did you not feel anything?" Heather asked with a quite concerned look on her face,

"Well I thought I did unti-" Bon spoke before the bell cut her off, she huffed

"I better go, I'll see you after school?" bon spoke again as she stood up from the table looking down at Heather who wasn't moving,

"Unfortunately your not going to be graced with my presence after school, I'm ditching and getting food" she smiles looking up at Bon,

"I see, well I hope I'll be graced with your presence tomorrow then?" Bon asked with a grin,

"Indeed you will" Heather laughs and bon walks away and towards her next class before the end of the day.

For once, the class goes by quickly and Bon found herself walking to her locker with her books in her hands,

She reached her locker and noticed Eddie's was wide open and him not anywhere in sight, she huffs as his door was blocking hers, his locker was practically empty, a few pieces of scrunched up pieces of paper, a worn out book and a pencil, he must have left already as his bag wasn't in there.

bon shuts his locker closed and opens hers, she placed her stuff in and grabs her bag and places it over her shoulders.

She noticed it was starting to get quieter in the halls and she started making her way towards the woods. She walked past people as she made her way across the athletics track and followed her footsteps from the day before towards the bench.

As bon was walking through the forest, the crackling of the leaves as she took each step beneath her, she started noticing she was close.

Until she saw him.

Eddie the freak Munson was leaning on the end of the bench with his long sleeve top rolled up to his elbows, his black ripped jeans sitting low and a devilish smirk on his face.

"here she is" he spoke with a devilish smirk revealing slight dimples in his cheeks, his hair messy from school as he looked at Bon.

Bon just sarcastically bowed and smiled, "the pleasure is mine" she spoke as she stopped in front of him.

He stood up, making Bon have to look up to him, he paused as he looked at her,

"The names Eddie, incase you didn't know-" a smile crept on his face as he paused, Bon scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as to why he was telling her his name again,

"- oh you know, so you don't start calling me names and you know who your talking to" he couldn't help but pull the biggest grin while he jokingly popped out his hand for a handshake like yesterday,

Bon scoffed and whacked his hand away, "yeah, yeah that's so funny that I actually forgot how to laugh" she spoke trying to stop herself from smirking.

Eddie just laughed as he sat down on the wooden table, bringing his metal box up as well, his eyes not leaving Bonnie's, and Bon sits opposite him.




Hey everyone, I'm so sorry it's been ages since I've posted, I've just had some family stuff happen and it was just way too busy and stressful to write! I'm hoping to have some more time soon to write some more chapters!

Hope your still enjoying the story and make sure to keep commenting and pressing the little star below so it can help my story out!

Once again sorry for being so inactive! Hope you can understand <3

- A

his sweetheart // Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now