Oh Tamaki...

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-3rd P.O.V.-

(Name) stared at the blonde haired boy as he rambled from one topic to another. She didn't really pay attention to all that he was saying, but she nodded and spoke some words when she needed to. She didn't realise it, but she ended up dozing off.

~(Name)'s P.O.V.~

Why? Why is everyone acting so strange? Are they hiding something from me? Seems like it... Maybe? But maybe not... Ugh. They're all such assholes! But I love them anyways. They all seem like they're into my sister... Mainly Tamaki and Hikaru... If only I could just get some attention from-

"(Name)-chan!" Honey whined. "You're not listening!"

"H-huh? Oh. I'm sorry, Honey! I guess I dozed off a bit..." I said with a goofy smile. Mori looked at you worriedly. "You okay?" He asked. "What? Of course I am~!" Both of them looked at each other and shrugged.

"Anyways," Honey said, "Aren't you gonna eat your cake~?" I looked down to notice that I haven't even eaten it at all. "Oh, right!"

I reached down to grab my fork and--- Um...

"I don't have a fork... " I slowly said. Honey looked up in confusion. "I can't eat with my hands..."

((In my opinion, MORI IS FRIDGING ADORABLE!!! SO IS Honey <3))

"Here." Mori picked up his fork, scooped a piece of my cake and heald it up to my mouth. "Say 'Ah'."

"W-Whaat?" I blushed slightly and looked away from his intense gaze.

-3rd P.O.V. - (Idk why... I just wanted to do this P.O.V. change~)

"C'mon (Name)-chan! You can't use your hands, so let him feed you~!" Honey giggled.

You sighed before opening your mouth slightly, letting Mori place the spongey desert on your tongue. Your eyes immediatly closed and you hummed in delight.

"This cake is good~. Thanks Takashi-kun~!" You blushed even more. "I-I mean Mori-Senpai..." He nodded ((A light dust of pink on his cheeks ;D Cuz you used his name!!! Duh!!)) and just when he was about to continue-


All three of you turned your heads towards the door where the noise had come from.

"Hey Tama-Chan!" Honey exclaimed. Tamaki looked at him and nodded his head slowly. "Hi Honey..."

"Something wrong?" Mori spoke up. "No... we just wanted to bring (Name) to the club." Tamaki said.

"Awwww. Already?" Honey pouted. Tamaki nodded. "C'mon (Name)." He said quickly and started dragging you towards the exit. "But Tama-Chaaaaan!"

" I didn't finish my cake..."

He ignored what you said and continued taking you back to the school.

"Bye (Name)-Chan!" Honey and Mori waved.


-Timeskip ((Back at the club I guess :P))-

"(Name), what did you think you were doing going out with them behind my back!?" Tamaki half whined half yelled. You blinked. Is he cereal right now???

"Well, it wasn't a date, just a little hang out, and you've been ignoring me the whole damn day!" You grabbed a tea cup which happened to be right next to you, and threw it at his (Insert body part) ((<-Let's all be creative, if ya' get what I'm sayin'~!)) "Who are you to scold me after straight up ignoring me!?" 'Ouch' Haruhi smirked and silently snickered at the seen before her.

"That still doesn't change the fact that you were out with Huni and Mori!" Tamaki yelled, dusting off some pieces of cup that you threw at him.

"Well, If I do recall..." Hikaru started.

"You were the one who let them take her out." Kaoru finished.

"Yeah, you said it was a 'Good Idea'" Haruhi bud in.

Tamaki looked at the three with hurt looks and that whole betrayal act was comin' on. -Emo corner-

You sighed, kinda guilty, and pat him on the shoulder. "Fine... I'm sorry for hanging out with Huni and Mori behind your back," you stated nonchalantly. He up looked at you with those puppy eyes. "You really are?" He asked with a sniffle. 'Damn his adorableness... '

You two ended up staring at each other for quite some time. That was until-

"Why are you sorry? He started it so you would be distracted and not interrupt us while we were talking about how horrible it is if you and Kyouya were in a relationship." Hikaru mentioned making your face turn pink.


"...So... Just to clarify," You gripped Tamaki's shoulder. "What exactly were you guys talking about, hm?" He stiffened and whimpered but didn't answer. You smiled an innocent smile and stood up, grabbing your (Random weapon you had in your bag).

"(Name)...?" Tamaki asked worriedly and slowly stood up. Haruhi sighed. "Here we go again.


"H-Hey, I'm sorry..."


"I p-promise... I'll never do it again!"


"C'mon! I'm sorry! I really am!"


"You'd never attack your daddy, right???"




"Yes, (Name)?"




Haruhi watched her sister chase Tamaki around the room, knocking over tables and chairs. Not like they cared at the moment. She smiled proudly. "That's my sister~"

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