Time with Honey

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"Well (Name), welcome to the host club!" Tamaki said while opening a door.

"Hm, smells like roses," you said and walked in.

Everything was organized perfectly. There were many tables, chairs, sofas, and cups filled with tea. Your eyes stopped at a short blonde holding a bunny and eating.

'Hey! The 'guy' from the other day!' You thought to yourself.

"(Name)-Chan! (Name)-Chan! You're here!" He yelled happily and ran into your arms.

"Hey honey!" you said hugging back.

"*Cough* *Cough* Umm Honey? Where's Mori?" Tamaki asked.

"Oh... he went somewhere. He said he'll be back tomorrow," Honey replied.

Tamaki nodded and went back to you.

"Well (Name), all you gotta do is sit on these chairs, talk to the girls, and look good while doing it."

You rolled your eyes and nodded. Tamaki walked over to a chair and patted it.

"This is Haruhi's table, so you can just sit next to h-"

"But! I want (Name)-chan to sit with me!" Honey interrupted. Tamaki clenched his fists but stayed calm.

"Honey, (Name) has to be with Haruhi..."

"But can't she fill in for Mori?! Just for today! Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaase!"

"You'll have to ask Kyouya..." Tamaki said. Honey smiled and faced Kyouya.

"Sure, if it's okay with (Name)." He said. Tamaki glared at Kyouya when you nodded, but Kyouya just smirked in reply.

"Yay!" Honey yelled grabbing your hand and dragging you to his spot.

~Time skip~

"So You're Haruhi's sister right???" A blonde girl asked.

"Um yeah why?"

The girls squealed.

"Can you tell us all about Haruhi?!?" A brunette asked. You looked over at Honey and he nodded in approval.

"Uh sure," You told them. They squeaked once again.

-Another Time Skip Brought to you by Annoying girls who like cheese-

"Uuuugh do I have to do this everyday?!?"

"Unfortunately, Yes." Answered Haruhi.

"Aw Come On (Name)! At least we got to hang out!" Honey said. You blushed but quickly shook it off.

"Uh Yeah that's cool."

Honey smiled and grabbed onto your arm. Haruhi winked and you, so you kicked her shin.

'There is one more guy. Damnit there is too many! Damn These Rich People!'

(A/n- I had to put the last part, I mean for Peeps sake You're Haruhi's Sister!

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