Slit face Reita

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[Originally written on May. 28th, 2012 at 12:23 AM / Edited on May 13th, 2015 at 4:47 PM]

"Hey! Ruki... Going home already?" Uruha asked as Ruki took his bag and slung it over his shoulder while he took the rest of the scattered papers on his desk and held it on one arm hurriedly before he nodded ...

"Yep!" He replied, popping the 'p' sound as he grinned. "There are still lots of homeworks to do and I don't want to cram because major exams are coming next week."

"Ehh..." Aoi drawled as he suddenly appeared behind Uruha and hugged him, making Uruha grin at him as he patted the arms wrapped around his waist.

"Be careful on your way home then... Nerdy chibi-chan" Aoi teased as he let go of Uruha and sat on the edge of the desk Uruha owns. Playfully smirking, he reached for Ruki's perfectly styled hair and roughly ruffled it, earning a groan from the shorter one and a soft laugh from the taller blond.

"Geez... Aoi. I worked half an hour for that hairstyle..." He complained with a frown that soon melted into a silly smile. "And stop calling me nerdy and chibi." He added with mock anger.

Aoi, despite being the oldest and a year older, is the one who has the most childish personality on the group. He never fails in making anyone laugh or smile with his silliness. He is also the friendliest of them all. He had many friends and is popular with everyone because of his approachable personality.

Ruki, on the other hand, is the typical straight A student. He is responsible and hardworking mainly because his parents are strict about his education and grades. He is a nerd but he isn't the unpopular type one. He is good-looking and girls likes him a lot because he looks good and dresses well. Plus, most of them thinks his height is adorable...

"Oh! Right... " Uruha suddenly exclaimed, startling the two grinning buffoons and making them turn to him curiously.

"A certain rumor about a slit-face guy who murders people with a huge tailoring scissor is spreading. It was told that he wears a dark coat and a weird band on his nose. He'll approach you and ask if he is beautiful... And if you'll reply by either saying a 'yes' or a 'no'... he'll kill you. Just avoid suspicious people on your way, chibi-chan." Uruha said, patting Ruki's shoulder with a worried expression on his face before he softly smiled.

Uruha is the type of guy who were genuine about everything. He is very thoughtful and kind. He is like a gentle prince and he cares about his friends a lot

Specially... after the lost of the other two in their group...

...he just won't stop being a caring grandma to what was left to him...

To his boyfriend and to his friend...

"Oh... That rumor..." Aoi frowned, "...The rumor that spread after his death. People from my class were even saying that it was in fact him but damn... He is dead already. Can't they just let the man rest in peace? Disrespecting bastards..." He growled as the other two just sadly looked down.

"Calm yourself Aoi..." Uruha said solemnly as he gave Aoi a small smile before turning back to Ruki.

"Just be safe on your way, Ruki... Reita is no longer here to walk home with you..."

Ruki just nodded with a sad expression. The name brings so much pain into their hearts and Uruha regretted uttering it but Ruki tried to smile reassuringly as to lift the dark mood surrounding them.

"I'll be fine... I'm walking home alone since who-knows-when..." Ruki snickered, "I'll be fine, grandma..." He playfully teased, making Aoi snort beside them.

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