(Human) Uruha Pillar

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[Originally written on June 3rd, 2012 at 1:48 PM Edited on July 12th, 2015 at 4:05 PM]

Uruha kept on running but... every exit he saw was either blocked by pieces of wood or was locked...

Breathlessly, Uruha decided to hide behind an unfinished pillar. The one that was only composed of few rebars and hollow blocks. He looked around carefully for any signs of the cloaked man as he hid, sobbing softly in mixture of fear and sadness.

Uruha was so tired . He ,too, was so afraid that his whole body shakes very bad. He clearly knew that the ghost in red cloak is messing up with the exits so that he couldn't go out. He knew very well too that he knows where to find him...

He can feel eyes watching his every move and there's no denying...

Even flashes of the color red scares him now...

Frantically, Uruha looked around again to see if someone is around. Luckily, he found no one and slowly slumped onto the ground, carefully avoiding sticking metals from the unfinished pillar. He was trying to calm his breath while he let his eyes wander around to find for more exits...

....when he suddenly heard the Red mantle's voice call for his name...

"Come on here... Uruha... I hate hide-and-seek... You should know that by now..." He chuckled as if something was hilariously funny. Uruha just ducked to hide behind the rebars as he tried to locate where the voice is coming from...

"Don't be afraid...after this... we'll be bestfriends again. Me, reita, ruki, aoi..." He dramatically paused, raising the tention...

as Uruha whimpered softy and ducked lower in fear...

When Red mantle suddenly whispered... just behind his ear...

"...and you..."

Uruha jolted away. He even hit his face on a sticking rebar and wounded a cheek as he crawled away from the red mantle and whimpered.Tears, forming from the corner of his eyes, fell as a hand suddenly grabbed his hair backwards and pulled him back to where he was sitting while the red mantle leaned closer to his face. His dark brown eyes... clearly visible under his golden mask...

"I always hated hide-and-seek because I never fail to find all of you..." He chuckled again, more sinister than earlier, as Uruha tried to push his hand away...

"Let me go!... What have I done to you?!... Let me go...please!..." He screamed as the grip on his hair became tighter.

"We are bestfriends and yet... you have forgotten? We made a promise to remain bestfriends forever, right?... Uruha?..." Came the mock confused reply of the red mantle...

"I don't even know who the hell are you! How could we be bestfriends?!... and... I know no one that would be Ruki,Reita nor Aoi's friends... we are always in a circle...so..." Uruha's eyes widen in shock as he slowly slumped onto the ground... "Unless... You are ... T-that guy who died years ago... K-kai! No wonder why that cloak looks familiar..."

"You remember me now, darling?... I'm glad you do..." The red mantle or 'kai' removed his golden mask and smiled to him... an ominous cheek-to-cheek smile as he leaned near Uruha's cheek to lick the wound lewdly while Uruha tightly closed his eyes uncomfortably and groan...

"I love you, Uruha... How much I longed to see you writhe and beg for more under me again. We need to end this soon...Don't we? So... we could finally be together with the others, right?"

"Leave me alone!... I'm... i'm exclusively for Aoi!... A-and Aoi only!..."

Kai only smile and pulled back a little, his grip on Uruha's hair never slacks...

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