A-kai mantle

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[Originally written on July 30th, 2012 at 7:31 PM Edited on July 17, 2015 at 12:38 PM]

Three Years ago...


Kai is a young man who haven't experienced any kind of good relationship with any other people. If they don't hate him, they love to bully him. He tries to be friendly but no one won't try to understand him and his weird ways of doing things. No one likes him... not even his own family...

Maybe, all of them... except for his kind and loving grandma, who died years ago... the only person who could accept him completely in this awfully discriminating world...

But she had already died and Kai is left with no one...

Because he was being bullied, whenever he was at school and there is no classes, he'll head straight to the male's restroom and hide there with his favorite red cloak his dead grandma gave him.

It was a special red cloak he had owned for a long time. His grandma always tells him that it'll protect him from harm and monsters that's why Kai always had it no matter what.

Kai will stay there and play with blue and red origami papers and fold them into shapes and animals. He'll never leave the place. Not until he hears the school bell ring and head back to his own classroom.

One day...

While Kai is folding some of the blue and red papers he have, someone suddenly entered the cubicle next to where he is hiding. The one which is before the last cubicle he was in. He didn't cared,though, and just continued on folding papers like he always did...

But he accidentally dropped the one he has currently folding... the red swan...

He tried to take it because he doesn't want to abandon the poor thing like how people used to do to him and he doesn't want to simply treat whatever he was folding as mere papers...

He considers them as his friend and he treasures them...

But... that piece rolled far too away to the cubicle, where the other guy had entered. He had no courage to look for it and ask the other guy even if he badly wants to look for it. Reluctantly, he had to let it go since he thought that it was futile asking from a person that will hate him at first glance and he thinks that it was probably soaked on the drenched tiled-floor.

But a few moments after he was about to start folding another swan, which color he chose to be blue this time...

He soon heard the flush of the toilet on the nearby cubicle along with the opening of the door. He debated whether he'll risk going out and take the red swan he had unfortunately dropped earlier while listening to the sound of the faucet and soon in a while... there is a complete silence again.

He didn't heard the door opened,though. But, it was still so silent but he didn't cared whether if the man is still around or not. After all, he doesn't really care at all... even from the start...

All he wants is for that person to leave so he could take back his red swan...

But then, When he thought that he completely doesn't cares, the man showed him that he really does cares...

Someone suddenly knocked at the door. Kai was really startled that he nearly dropped all the papers and origami(s) that was on his lap as he looked down to see a pair of school shoes in front of his cubicle's door. He didn't opened the door,though. He just remained silent as he hid further on his red cloak... seeking reassurance as he was frightened...

Kai curiously looked around, only to see a hand held above the door, holding the origami he dropped earlier already completed. Relieve, Kai smiled as he stared at it lovingly... and then, a soft, low voice spoke to him...

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