Legless Aoi

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[Originally written on June. 1st, 2012 at 12:27 AM / Editted on May 13th, 2015 at 7:45 PM]

Aoi had made his choice without knowing its outcome ...

He just confusedly stared at the red cloaked man in front of him as the palm holding the red origami paper closed...

...while a cold breeze blew the blue paper away from his other opened pàlm.

Aoi's attention was reverted to the paper as it slowly swivelled to the ground almost as if mesmerizing...

And as soon as the blue paper calmly laid on the dusty ground...

... the tightly wounded cable wires snapped.

Slicing Aoi in a perfect half as he fell on the ground with all his inner organs and blood gushing out of him...

It took him seconds before he realized what happened and started to scream...

...desperately groping on the puddle of his own blood and organs in a failed attempt to shove it all back in him...

"Oh fuck!... Fuck!... Where... Is my legs!?Fuck... Oh my God! My legs..."

Aoi screamed over and over again and continued searching for his legs...

until his last breath was taken...

The next day...

Police found another dead student's body that was brutally sliced in half by the taut cable wires...

...and assumed that it was an accident...

It looks like one, anyway... There is no argument in that.

But... the reasons why he went to the building is still a mystery...

When Uruha first heard the news... he still can't believe that he has heard Aoi's name on the TV. He won't believe even when Aoi's school ID was flashed in the screen.

He only did when he had soon received a call from Aoi's older brother... telling him that Aoi is indeed really dead.

Making him realized that everything he had seen and heard on the news...

...Was the bitter truth...

Uruha cried and cried. He was blaming his self because he was avoiding Aoi that day. Aoi must have been looking for him ( though... he wasn't sure why he looked at that obviously dangerous under constructed building) and ended up being caught in an accident...

All because of the nonsense he was thinking that day...

All because he was losing his mind to the rumors people are spreading...

Immediately... Uruha run to look for Aoi, though...he wasn't sure where to start. Is it the place where the accident took place or at his home? He doesn't know... He just want to see Aoi now: dead or alive, and let his foot lead him to the place his heart was screaming to him where he should find Aoi...

And he ended up on the same parking building instead...

He doesn't know why he was there in the first place. He just stood behind the police line with no clear intention. He was just standing before the police line blocking the entrance without knowing what to do.

He looked around to see if there was someone around. Of course, there is no one. After all, hearing such a strange accident taking place somewhere abandoned will surely make you think that you should stay away from that place at all cost.

Uruha knew that he should stay away too but something tells him that he'll find Aoi in there...

So he tore the police tape and went inside...

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