Ruki-san of the toilet

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[Originally written on May. 28th, 2012 at 11:09 PM / Editted on May 13th, 2015 at 6:48 PM]

Its been a full week since Ruki had died and everything went back to normal... least, for those students who had never known or had never been with Ruki.

His whole class was still mourning and his empty desk is still being left with fresh flowers, letters and small gifts everyday.

Other than that, no one would talk about him mainly because no one wants to see Uruha broke into tears again...

The detective assigned to his case believed it to be a suicide case because there is no evidence that could tell that it was a murder case and since it simply looks like one...

Though, Uruha and Aoi weren't convinced because no one would drown themselves before slashing their face with something blunt if they were just simply trying to commit a suicide.

Uruha tried to reason out with the officers but no one listened to him. Even some of the other students believes that it was impossible for the young man to do that because they believe he was emotionally stronger than that but their reasons were simply ignored.

He might be frustrated at some things but he'll do everything for it to work out...

..he won't just admit defeat and end his life. He even walked out of his home to achieve his dreams. Why would he end his life?

But even Ruki's parents gave up their son's case... and so, Uruha has no choice but to be silent and sulk at his seat each class...

Anyway, the restroom is now open for use again...


Rumors about the ghost of the restless young man is said to continue on haunting the restroom... asking for retribution to the person who had murdered him...

It annoys Uruha and Aoi that people would make up another rumor based on their friend's death but they can't just keep on yelling on anyone who would speak of the said rumor and associate it with their friend. They gave up on asking for everyone's respect for the death of their friends because no one gives a damn with their pleas.

Sure, its been a week already and most people had went back on normally living their daily lives already but Uruha still mourns for his bestfriend. Not when he wasn't still over Reita's death and now, Ruki followed.

He already has a feeling that something bad would happen to Ruki and he knows that it has something to do with those 'urban legends rumors' that was spreading.

He thinks that it was either someone was murdering his friends just to make it look like the urban legends were true or it was indeed true and they've done something taboo...

Something they didn't know that was now putting them in a curse that will kill them one by one...

A typical horror movie cliche but whatever...

He just couldn't believe that Ruki would do suicide because he was so cheerful that day (and the other days) and even if Ruki does have a problem, he clearly knows that doing such won't solve anything.

Uruha knew that something strange is happening because lots of people has claimed to see ghosts and such... But he couldn't understand why only Ruki died so far... when every other people saw those ghost too but they still managed to live and tell other people what exaggerated things happened...

Uruha knows something is fishy is happening...

Like someone out there is planning something...

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