How they wake you up in the morning

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This was requested by staplia
Thank you staplia for the request❤❤ you're the best


"Baby..." He mumbled, shaking your body softly. "Hmm" You hummed in response, still sleepy. You heard him chuckle, making you open your eyes to peek at him. "What are you laughing at?" You raised a brow at him, opening your eyes a bit.

"Nothing... You just look cute" He pinched your cheek making you groan. You pushed his hand away and turn your back on him. You heard him chuckle again. You heard him scoot closer to you as he slowly wrapped his arms around your midsection, and placed his head on the crook of your neck. You felt tingles run through your body when you felt his breath on your neck.

He places his face deep on your neck, sniffing your scent. You sighed when you felt him leaving faint kisses on your neck. His kiss trailed from your neck to your shoulder. "Heeseung... What are you doing?" You giggled when you felt him place a kiss on the tingly part of your neck.

He stopped kissing your neck and hugged you tight like there was no tomorrow. "I'm hungry," You said, rubbing your stomach when you heard it grumble. "Stay here I'll cook breakfast," He said and placed a kiss on your cheek.

"Thank you" You grip his chin and placed a kiss on his lips before he could go anywhere.


"Love... Wake up" Jay whispered in your ear as he softly shake your body. "Love, come on wake up," He told you as he placed kisses on your neck. You woke up with a sigh when you felt him kissing your neck. You softly grip his silky locks.

Jay stops when he felt you touch him. He looked up to you, seeing you half asleep, your eyes half open and your hair messy. "Wake up breakfast is ready," He told you, backing himself away from your body. He held your hand helping you to stand up from the bed.

You were still sleepy, so you lose your balance and bumped onto Jay's chest. He chuckled, caressing the top of your hair softly when he felt tangled hairs here and there. "Want me to carry you downstairs?" He whispered in your ear as he hugged your small body. You nodded your head on his chest.

He slowly shifted his hands up to your back, while his other hand was placed under your legs carrying you in bridal style, helping your lazy ass to go downstairs.


"Layla..." Jake called his female dog from the living room. Layla quickly went to his daddy from the kitchen with a smile. "Go wake mommy up for daddy" He rubbed her fur and let her go to your shared room to wake you up.

You were sleeping soundly in the bed when you felt someone licking your face. You groan and opened your eyes seeing Layla, who was hovered on top of you. "Hey, Layla..." You rubbed her fur, smiling at the cute dog that was lying on your stomach.

While Jake who was in the kitchen confused about what was taking so long for his dog to wake you up. He stopped what his doing and went to the room. He smiled at the view, seeing you both cuddling.

He wanted to watch you both cuddle, but he's very sad to ruin the sweet moment cause the food will get cold. He slowly walked to the bed, and carry Layla from her stomach and placed her back on the ground.

He turned his focus on his girl that was lying on the bed. He smiled and leaned close to her lips, pecking them. "Wake up baby" He placed his hands on her arms, rubbing his fingertips on them. "I'm awake," You told him, while you rub your eyes for better vision.

"Let's go the food will get cold," He said and helped you get up from the bed.


Sunghoon woke up early before you, he checked the time and it was early in the morning. He looked down at you with your head on his chest, he smiled as he caressed your hair softly. He gently placed your head back on your pillow and he got up to do breakfast.

After he finished cooking, he went to the room to wake you up. He slowly hovered on top of you and began kissing your face. He felt you moved so he stopped. "Wake up breakfast is ready," He told you as he backed away from your body.

"Hey... Come one don't sleep" He said and shake your body. You sat up still half asleep. You fixed your hair and got up to eat breakfast with your boyfriend.


"Yahh wake up!" Sunoo screamed as he make the two pans on his hand clap loudly. You groan and covered your ears. "Sunoo stop you are so loud you know people are still sleeping at this time" You scolded him, glaring at him for ruining your beauty sleep.

He didn't stop and continued making the pans clap loudly. "I will only if you get your ass up from the bed," He said, you groan and got up, still glaring at him. "Okay I'm up," You said and he stops. He placed the two pans on the table beside the bed. "Okay sorry it's just I've been waking you up for minutes so I had no choice but to do this," He said, clasping his hands together on his stomach while his head was hanging low.

"I cooked breakfast let's eat" He looked up to you with a bright smile. You rolled your eyes and got up from the bed leaving him behind.

"Hey wait for me"


Jungwon was getting frustrated cause you won't wake up. He had been waking you up for hours. And he had enough, he grabbed a glass of cold water and poured it on your face, just kidding.

He grabbed the speaker that was on your nightstand table. He connects it to his phone and finds loud music that could wake your ass up. He sets the volume at high and then plays it.

The music blasted out loud from the room. He sang the song in his loud voice, making you groan and hid underneath the pillow. Jungwon saw it and sang louder. You had enough.

"Okay, I'm awake happy?!" You screamed and Jungwon turned off the music and stopped singing. "Yes, I am" He smiled, like an innocent child like he didn't do anything. You rolled your eyes and went out of the room to cook breakfast. Just for you only.


"Y/n!! Wake up!!" Niki screamed while jumping on the bed, disturbing your sleep. You ignored it like an unbothered person. Niki was tired of jumping so he thinks of another idea.

He suddenly grabbed your feet and tickled them, you screamed laughing your ass out. "Ni-Niki stop hahaha" You cried for laughing too much, you begged Niki to stop cause you can't breathe. Niki stopped and looked at you gasping for air.

"Wake up now please I'm hungry" He pouted, rubbing his tummy. You sweep the tear on the side of your eyes while giggling. "Okay, what do you want for breakfast?" You asked him, he stops for a minute to think. "Uhmm... Eggs and bacon please" He pleaded cutely.

"Okay let's go and help me cook" "No way," He said and laid on the bed like he was a boss. "Okay then no eggs and bacon for you," You said and he quickly went out of bed, sprinting downstairs to help you. "I'm here"

Once again thank you staplia for the request hope you like it😁
And have a good day staplia and everyone who is reading this❤❤

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