Chapter 13

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(A/N WARNING: This chapter does contain a memory pertaining to sexual assault/rape. Reader discretion is advised)

It was a colder night. Mari felt the breeze on her neck, and the small flap of her tent swaying in the wind. She had been wrapped in her blankets, trying to keep warm in her tent. Night's could become extremely cold in the Ash Wastes, specifically in winter. Her fingers and toes felt like ice, though everything else was slowly warming up. 

Her tent flap opened just as she was beginning to drift off into sleep. A figure stood in the entryway, then began to slowly approach her. "Kavash?" she mumbled as she sat up. "What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" she asked as he moved closer. 
He walked over to her side and knelt down. "I wanted to see how you were doing on this night. I can't have my future wife freezing to death now, can I?" he chuckled, lifting his hand and gently cupping her cheek. She leaned into his touch, slightly cold from the air outside. "I'm fine Kavash, I promise. You should go to back to your tent. I'll see you in the morning." she said with a slight yawn. He chuckled once again, and she remembered how handsome he looked when he smiled, his pearly white teeth like a lantern in the dark. His hands were large and seemed to hold her so tenderly. 

His expression darkened as he leaned closer and gave her a slow kiss, which she returned. His hand slipped from her cheek to her shoulder, pushing down the rest of her nightgown. She pulled away from the kiss then, putting her hands to his chest. "Wait, what are you doing?" she demanded.

He growled and pushed her down. "Relax, you'll enjoy this." he said as he pushed her nightgown down farther, revealing her breasts to the chilling air. He roughly palmed one while his mouth found the other, causing her to cry out and shove against him harder. "Wait, this isn't right, we're not married-!" she protested. 
His free hand grabbed her throat and shoved her down hard against the blankets, causing her to squeak out. Tears rolled down her cheeks as he looked down at her. "Your father said you were already promised to me. No one else will have you. I will take what is mine tonight, and you
will enjoy it."  He gave her breast a rough squeeze while he kept one hand on her throat before releasing her breast and tearing the rest of the nightgown off of her. She sobbed softly as she watched him remove his pants, his cock erect once it was free. Pinning her hands above her head while keeping the other still on her throat, he shoved himself into her.

She screamed as her vision darkened.


"Mari! Mari!"

Someone was shaking her by her shoulders. She couldn't open her eyes. It could be Kavash. The voice was warped and deep. It had to be him, he had found her. She wasn't safe anymore.

"Mari! Awaken girl!" 

The voice changed, it was softer though a bit harsh. Slowly she opened her eyes to see that she was in her room in Wyrm's Pit, with Madame Savari standing over here. Her hands were on her shoulders and she had a look of concern on her golden features. Mari slowly sat up, wiping her eyes after feeling the coolness of her tears stained on them and her cheeks. "I'm sorry to wake you Madame Savari." she muttered hoarsely.

The golden Naga gently let her go and waved her hand. "Nonsense, you needed someone to wake you up it seems." she huffed, and looked her over once more before moving away. "Come to the sitting room, I'll make some tea." she ushered softly, and slithered out of the room. Mari nodded numbly, and slowly got out of her bed. She grabbed a robe from her closet and exited the room as well. She walked down the hall and to the lovely sitting room, with a nice fire burning in the fireplace and a plush chair already prepped for her. As soon as she took a seat Madame Savari slithered out of the kitchen with a tea tray in hand. She set the tray down on a table next to Mari's chair and poured her a cup. "Thank you." Mari said as she handed the cup to her before pouring herself a cup. Mari loved the smell, though did not recognize it.

"Chamomile and lavender. Exotic to these lands, but it helps with sleep." Madame Savari answered before she even had a chance to ask. The two drank their tea in silence before Madame Savari spoke again. "So, what were you dreaming about that had you screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night?" she asked so bluntly that Mari nearly choked on her tea. 
Mari expected her to ask, but did not expect her to be so blunt about it. However she told Madame Savari about her dream, and how it was more of a memory. During her retelling she was silent, listening carefully, and didn't even flinch at the rougher bits. When Mari was done, Madame Savari slowly stood and approached the fireplace, still silent. She gazed at the fire, and then she spoke. "You should tell Rezran. I'm sure he'd love to kill him for you." she said, her voice deathly quiet.

Mari flinched. "He'd...what? I mean, how would he even find him? And why would he care in the first place?" she asked quickly, watching as the woman turned to face her yet again. Mari felt some sort of power radiating off of the harsh jeweler. It was imposing and it was terrifying, Mari wanted to shrink in her seat. The golden woman chuckled. "Ah, so he hasn't taught you that part yet." she grinned, and even Mari couldn't tell which was more unsettling: with her happy or angry.

"You see, Naga men are very protective of their females." Madame Savari began. "Whether they're their friends, their sisters, or their mates. They will go above and beyond to keep them safe. Hell, we're even considered sacred in some lands." she continued. "I have seen and heard tales of males killing other males for assaulting their women like that. I have seen them tortured, broken beyond repair. There is no redemption for men like them." She moved in front of Mari and knelt down, taking her hand. "Rezran is kind to you Mari, but do not mistake that kindness for weakness or softness. A volcano is a quiet mountain before it erupts. Rezran would hunt him to the end of the world in order to exact your vengeance," she chuckled. "And when he is through with him, should you desire it, he would bring you back his head as a trophy."

Mari's heart raced at the thought. Rezran would go through all of that for her, whom he just met? Something about it was almost... romantic. But did she want him to do all of that for her? Did he honestly care about her that much? She didn't have answers to any of these just yet. Somehow, she found Madame Savari's words to be reassuring. Perhaps it was because, for once, she was surrounded by people who cared for her, and she cared for them. They would do anything for her, and she the same. So she gave a small smile, and finished her tea before setting it aside on the tray. "Thank you Madame Savari." she said, standing up. "For the tea and the advice. I'll think on your words. I feel much better now." 

Madame Savari nodded and moved away, so Mari could stand back up. Mari then left the room, and went back to hers, taking the robe off and slipping back into the bed. Yes, she would indeed think on her words.

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