Chapter 2 - What can I do?

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Vegas' POV

"Brother Tankhun, do you really have to be here all the time? Don't you have something better to do?" I rolled my eyes angrily and crossed my arms in front of my chest. The fury burned in my whole body as I tried to suppress it.

"Shut up, Vegas! You screwed it all up and I am here to take care of my son, you stole from me!" Tankhun was sitting on the bed next to the sleeping Pete and took his hand. I fought the urge to kick him off the bed.

"Do you think all this noise is good for Pete?!" I groaned.

Tankhun had taken over the whole room by now. He had a huge flat screen TV installed, even if this VIP room has already had a big screen before. Now this hospital room looked more like a movie theater and this bastard was here from morning until night, always watching some series and even though Pete was unconscious he was pestering him with questions about the plot the whole time.

There was also a popcorn machine, a candy bar, various decorations and what felt like a thousand pictures of Tankhun and Pete hanging all over the room.

I had tried to stop him. I really tried everything I could do without killing this moron (I wouldn't mind it, but I let him live because of Pete). Even the doctor and Tankhun's bodyguards had tried, but to no avail. When this maniac set his mind to something, he was unstoppable.

But actually the worst thing was that Pete had been asleep for four days now even despite all this annoying fuss. His body was okay, but he just didn't wake up.

"I know him way better than you, asshole! He is my best bodyguard! No! Consider him as my son now! I have to take care of him and protect him from shitty people like you! When he is awake, I will take him home where he belongs!"

Arm and Pol quickly grabbed my arms to prevent me from pouncing on that idiot.

"Khun Vegas, please calm down!" Arm pressed this words out while he moved to stand between Tankhun and me, pressing his hands against my chest. Meanwhile Pol tried to lock both of my arms behind my back. "Khun-nu is just joking."

"No!" Tankhun said firmly. "I'm serious! Here!" He went to grab a huge bag which his bodyguards brought here today and approached to Pete with it.

"What are you up to?! I swear if you..."

"What is all this fuss, brother?" Macau just entered the room with some bags of food. He came here after school everyday and still wore his uniform.

"Hey! Leave my brother alone! Who you think you are?!" Macau growled angrily at Tankhun's bodyguards.

I was surprised by his sudden appearance and forgot to struggle against them. They let me go, but didn't move away from me, in case I planned to pounce on this dipwit again.

"You." Tankhun snorted dismissively, pointing his finger at Macau. "Shouldn't be little kids at school during the day? Huh?"

"Where do you think I am coming from, brother Tankhun? Huh?! From a silver mine?!" He made a gesture to indicate his school uniform.

"Spoiled brat!" Tankhun yelled, grabbed a shoe out of the back and threw it at Macau, who dodged it."

"Don't dare to harm my brother!"

"Khun, Vegas!" Arm and Pol blocked me again, making a face as if they questioned their career choices.

Macau picked up the shoe and was about to throw it back towards the bastard, but since Tankhun stood in front of Pete's bed. He stopped in his tracks, glaring at him angrily.

Tankhun clicked his tongue. "Ts ts ts... you really making up a fuss here. Should I send them away, Pete? What do you say? It's so unrelaxed when they're here." He patted Pete's shoulder lightly.

The Longest Night (VegasPete) ✔️CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now