Chapter 6 - Wine And Noodles

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{⚠️Trigger Warning: mental issues}

[When someone speaks English I'll type the parts bold.]

Thank you for your support and your messages.

Have fun. 😊 Let's go.


Pete's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. My hunger woke me up. I didn't eat anything last night. The whole situation with the ruined meal and the encounter with Khun Vegas made me forget it and finally I fell asleep without recognizing it.

I wondered if it was okay to sneak into the kitchen and find something to eat.

The Major Clan didn't like that, but Pol and I sneaked into the canteen from time to time, if we were hungry late at night after Khun-nu pushed us through a series marathon.

But here? Maybe I'd better keep a low profile at this place...

My stomach rumbled. I knew myself well enough to know that I couldn't go back to sleep like that and so I decided to risk it. Apart from a few bodyguards guarding the corridors, no one should be awake anyway. I hoped nobody would notice me.

And I was lucky that nobody saw me going downstairs. However, when I entered the kitchen, I startled.

I really couldn't shake the bad luck off today.

"Pete?" Khun Vegas turned around to me, a glass of red wine in his hand.

"Hello, Khun Vegas." I bowed to him. As I raised my head again, I stood there like an idiot, not knowing what to say or to do. Would it be very rude to just turn around an leave?

I was still embarrassed about the incident at my room, but I tried to shove it out of my thoughts now. I had to keep my head clear when I was with him.

"Can't sleep?" Khun Vegas asked casually and poured more wine in his glass.

It was red wine. I think he likes it, because last time I saw him drinking wine it was also red wine. Wait... why I even care about that? Argh! Pete! Focus!

"Yes, sir." Maybe it was the best to keep my replies short.

"Wine?" He asked in English and raised the bottle.

"Thank you, sir. But actually... I'm hungry. I didn't eat tonight."

"I see." Khun Vegas nodded and bent down to get something from a drawer, not saying anything else.

It suddenly occurred to me that he might was mad at me for not properly fulfilling his order earlier. "Khun Vegas? I'm sorry about earlier, about the food, sir..."

He straightened up again and threw me a pack. I catched it. It was a pack of instant noodles.

I looked at him questioningly, pointing at myself. "Is it mine?"

For a split second a smile crossed his face. But it was gone so quickly I thought I might have just imagined it.

"You don't like it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No. Ehm, yes, sir. I like it. It's Tom Yum flavor, my favorite." I couldn't help but smile, even the brand was my favorite. Maybe I was a little lucky today though.

"Then stop standing there and boil some water." He rolled his eyes, but didn't seemed to be annoyed.

"Yes, sir." I turned to cook the water, but then I turned around again. "What's about you, Khun Vegas. Are you hungry too?"

"No, I'm fine. Also when I was a child my nanny told me this instant stuff will kill you. But you are sure you want to eat it?" He teased.

I was still busy preparing the food, turning my back on him. And my mouth was faster than my brain. "I'm a mafia's bodyguard, also I use to smoke. I think there is a lot more that could kill me than a few noodles, sir."

The Longest Night (VegasPete) ✔️CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now