Chapter 5

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Heyyy guyss, ohmaygosh thanks for supporting my very boring story. Hahaha. Please vote? Or even message me. First three person who message and comment get to be dedicated. ^^ And help me guys help me on writing this. Thanks. -mggp xxx
Michelle's POV.

So it's been only hours since I got here, about 3 hours and I can say this is one beautiful place. I mean the architechture of the old buildings which made them so wonderful, and the green fields. And the fresh air. It's very particularly amazing. :)

While I'm walking, I admiring the beauty of the place. I'm plan going back to my dorm and---


I bumped into someone. (Again) I got up quickly as I notice that I bumped into a girl. She has pinkish skin, dirty blonde curly hair, and when she met my eyes she has the beautiful greyish eye. I'm so insicure. She's beautiful, anyone will want her for sure. Goshhh. She has this body of a model. Unlike boyish figure like mine. :'( I'm still comparing my self to her. Wait, stop mimi, stop. You have your own beauty. So shhhh. But I still envy her. Hmm..

She got up and I help her picking up her books, no wonder we bumped together, she has stock pile of books. This girl has some nice excercise lifting these books.

"I'm sorry, here's your books."I said trying to sound that i had a boy voice. Abort mission, abort.

"Don't worry it's fine." She said. Trying to figure out how she held her books. "Let me help you." I said politely, she's didn't hesitate at all. And walked ahead of me. I rolled my eyes.

And while were walking, I notice many boys were looking at her bum. And like their drooling. Disgusting. And may I sa this girl can't beat taylor by shaking off. Her bum is bout to fly away any minute now. I shook my head of the thought of her. She looks like a flirt. Blehhh.

"So where you headed?" I asked her while we are walking. " That building over there" She pointed at the huge building. And, It's huge, It was a scene. Breathtaking. "Woah!" I mumbled. She giggled. I didn't care bout her, she's a living booy shaker. Lol wahaah.. I was looking at the view. But I realize, she's walking so close to me, I mean close . Is she trying to be cute? And if she is it's not working. Girl I'm not a man and-- wait I am for a moment.

We got in a room, I think it's the faculty room, I can say it is because their are many desk, though it's a bit quiet, the teacher in here is about 2-3 I don't know. Ang wait, is she a teacher?

"So here's the books. Where should I put these." I asked. She pointed to the desk their. And then I drop it. Then I was sooo relieved. Gosh.... My shoulder hurt. I tilt my head side ways, and arched my back a little.

Then I seems to notice that no one is still here anymore. It's only me and the girl in this room. And she suddenly walk close to me, I frowned. As she walk close to me, I tried to step back but I failed, their is a desk behind me. Well F***.

Then her body is against mine and said. "Thanks what you want for it as exchange?" She winked at me. "W-what?" I'm so freakin nervous. Why is this freaking appening to me? Do I really look that georgous? "I sai---" She's getting closer. And as soon as posible I ran outside. And I see her so shock. I scrunch my nose so see I'm disguested. Ewww I aint got time for thay. That girl is so flirt, as if she' my type. Ohhh snap. Hahaha. Who knew that I'm irrisistable when I dressed like a boy. Lol stop it mimi as if you ever had a love life, hehe. Heh, Waaaahhh forever alone. D':

I rushed through my dorm and hearing guys and girls talking and minding their own business.

I opened the door, and shut it quickly. And after a minute of relaxing my head on the door, I just realize someone's behind me. I can feel blue eyes looking at me. I turn around hesitantly. And see a man with only towels covering his waist. Gosh. He is totally wet. Wait Mimi, for freakin sake calm down he is not a piece of meat. Wait what? I froze again. AND again I see his six packs abs. Ow ma gosh. Pull your self together.

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