Chapter 6

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Dedicated to my greatest fan: chelle624

Thank you so much for supporting my work keep the good job :) I Love You so much.

And those who keep reading this book. Thanks also. I love you all so much. :)
~~~~~~~~~~~mggp xxx

Michelle's POV

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I groan as I hear the electronic device from hell, damn. I'm really not a morning person. I yawn and streched. I looked at the person on the other side of the bed. Gosh. He is half naked, and his georgous. I snapped out of my imagination, and i felt how pink my cheeks right now. I'm not used to his stuffs, and probably Cris will kill for my position now. You probably wondering how he like my school better than mine? Well he got bullied around here, and he has a crush on my university once.

Okay back to reality. :D

Done this done that, today is probably my 3rd day on this school. And it's not bad actually. Well I still got no friends, well yeh. My roomate doesn't even talk to me but the guy name 'Karl' that his name right? This is why I don't have friends *Face palm*. I hope I will meet someone, in other days. And my class are pretty damn easy. My favorite is music or art. I'm pretty good at playing guitar.

I got my things and be on my way to class.

I'm on my way now through the hall and students are probably still sleeping by now, very few students are in morning class, which I'm in.

And I nearly tripped off when someone suddenly poked me, I yelp which made me look like an idiot.

When I turned around, my eyes widened, as I notice a dirty blonde hair woman looking at me.

"He-heyy!" I waved weakly at her, it's the flirty teacher infront of me.

"Hi, Cris isn't it? I've bee--"

"Wait, wait, H-How d-did you know my name?" I asked in a shocked tone. She suddenly smirk and stepping closer and she pointed at something which made me looked. Ow I have an I.D. how stupid.

"Ow hehe, okay best be off." I said and I quickly ran, but as grabbed me with her full strength. Wow this girl has a strength of a body builder.

"Where do you think your going?" The girl asked, is she stupid, or is she stupid? Obviously I'm walking away from her.

"Uh... Umm gonna get to class! Yeah. Okay bye." I exclaimed trying to run, but she pinned me to the wall.

She smirked and put her mouth my ears, feeling her hot breath! Nooo. I don't want to get raped! Merciful God please help me !!!

"I know your Michelle not Cris!" She knows WHAT!?!

"HOW DID YOU..." My mouth fell open, and widened my eyes. Bu-But how? I never told anyone.

"I had a huge crush on your brother for a long time now, and when we bumped into each other, I thought your him. But I didn't felt anything at all. So ye, I notice that your his twin" She explained smoothly. And step away looking at me smiling.

"So-Soo... A-are you angry? I mean. Are you mad or anything?" I let out

"Well apparently no!" The girl said. I sigh in relief.

"My names Andrea by the way!" She exclaimed, and offered her hand, and I gladly shake it.

"Umm.. So ah, are you. Gonna te--.."

"No don't worry, your Cris's sister anyway, I'll be good to you. If..."

"If what??? O.O" If what? If I'll date her, wait no she said, she likes my brother. Sigh again.

"If umm.. I don't know, treat me as your best friend." She said and smiled. A smiled formed my lips, and nodded.

"Sure why not? I don't see nothing wrong about it."

"Thanks!!!!" She hugged me and pecked my cheeks, I tried pulling the hug away but she is strong. -,-

"O...Kay... Your... Crushing me!!" She broke the hug, and giggled, she blushed.

"Sorry well bye now bestfriend! See ya around!" She waved and I sighed in relief.

Gosh a girl has a crush on Cris? Well, he is handsome, if his not umm... You know. Yeah. Well I think I have a bright idea..... For revenge. *Que evil laugh and thunder*


I'm in my music class, and hell I'm excited. But.... Karl is here. =∆="

Guess what his doing? If you guess smirking and staring at the same time, you'll win a million bucks. Sigh.

"Okay class, we need to form into pairs. Alright I'll be giving your projects and your partner will stay permanently. Okay..."
Mr. Alvin, (Our music Prof.) He assigned pairs and I'm still waiting for my name to be mentioned. Well I hope my partner is awsome. Hoping.

"So the last pairing will be, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Hilford" Wait that's me. Wait who's Hilford? I looked around to see who's partner, but saw no sign, only the boy with a habit of staring. Wait he cannot be my....

"Hi partner, can't wait to make music with you." He stated, well. F to the U to the C to the freaking K. Uggghhh this can't be seriously happening to me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

This will be a long semester. Tskkk.

"Class dismissed." Finally our profesor dismissed. I quickly walked out side the class room. I can't stay there anymore. Wanna know what happen there?


Still staring....

Staring with smirk.....

Yepp. Sigh.

"Heyyy, Mich wait up!! " Karl grab my arm. I groaned, can't this boy give me a second to just like breathe?

"What now?" I asked annoyingly.

He just gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes.
"Have lunch with me please?" He pleaded, oohhh gosh. Pull it all together Mchelle!!! Arghhh.

"Tsk. Fine."

He cheered. Well Sh*t Tsskk HELLPPP ME!!


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Sorry about the short update help me please I will appreciate it very much.

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