Chapter 5

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Kayla POV:

My heart hurt my head hurt everything hurt I felt like I been stabbed in the gut so many times without the person stopping...tears started to cloud my vision I tried to make them go away say this was a joke but it wasn't he was gone.

Back up a little bit ago

"Wait she doesn't know" Gwen said pulling away from me sniffling I looked at her confused.

"Doesn't know what?" I asked they all looked guilty I looked at my dad that looked like he was gonna cry again "Dad?" I said to him.

"Sweet heart I'm so sorry" he said to me I looked at him confused he was sorry for what.

"Sorry for what?" I asked again getting annoyed no one was telling me anything.

"Kid Finney he Uhh...." Detective wright was telling me "Finney what?" I asked him he looked down.

"He took Finney Kayla...the grabber took Finney" Kai said to me I looked at him and looked at everyone else and shook my head.

Back to present time

"No no no!" I said shaking my head tears coming out of my eyes.

"Kayla sweet heart" my dad tried to say to me trying to hug me I backed up by the door shaking my head more.

"No no it can't be your lying your all lying! Your liars!" I said to them and pushed opened the door and started to run off in the street.

"Kayla! Kayla shit!" I heard my dad yell but I kept running ignoring everyone that yelled my name and I didn't stop I couldn't stop.

I know it wasn't safe I know it wasn't good but I had to leave I couldn't be there I couldn't I started to slow down running and sat down on the curb and put my head in my hands and cried I cried so hard for Vance, For Bruce, For billy, For Robin and most and importantly for Finney...My Finney  he was gone the grabber took him now he's gone I cried and cried I heard car pull up but I didn't care I kept crying.

"Sweetie! Hey hey!" I heard my dad he sat down by me I looked up at him.

"He's gone...Dad...Finney's really gone and he's not coming back he pro-...he Uhh...he promised! Damn it! He promised! And he lied daddy he lied!" I told him and started to yell angry at Finney at myself at everyone.

My dad grabbed me and hugged me tight I heard him crying "I know baby girl I know he did but we're gonna find him okay" he told me pulling back holding my face I cried more.

"Don't make promises you can't keep" I told him he nodded and pulled me back into and hugged me tighter.

"Kayla! Kayla!" I heard Kai and Gwen scream I pulled back from my dad to see them running out of the car towards me.

I got up from my dad and hugged them both we all started to cry about Finney we knew it and we tried not to think about it but it was hard not too I mean look at the other kids that got took of course we're gonna think that.

One week....

It's been a week without Finney today at school they were having a ceremony like they always got for the missing kids I sat down in the middle of my brother and Gwen as the principal talked the officers, teachers and detectives by her including my dad looking at us with sorrow.

"Finney Blake" the principal said to all of us conforming the name of the missing person and everyone turned and looked at us with sorrowful eyes.

I rolled my eyes and put my arms around Gwen and Kai pulling them close and watched as people that didn't even know who Finney was or laughed at him looked like they cared I was getting angry by the second the more she kept talking about him the more people kept looking at us the more times they said they needed help with finding him my eyes started to water the more they talked about Finney I felt like I couldn't breath again.

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