Dustin Henderson x Female Y/n

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(the character in this story is the same age as dustin)

it was the night of the snowball dance. steve had finished helping dustin do his hair nd they were now in the parking lot of hawkins middle. steve looked at the younger boy who was staring out the window.
"all right buddy, here we are." he began, "so remember, once you get in there.."
dustin looked towards steve. "pretend like i dont care."
"you dont care."
"i dont care."
"there you go, youre learning.".
dustin nodded slightly but sat up to check his hair in the mirror.
"hey, come on man you look great. you look great." steve said as he watched the boy. "now youre gonna go in there, looking like a million bucks, and youre gonna slay 'em dead." he tried his best to hype him up.
"like a lion." dustin replied before rolling his tongue back to make a noise.
steve stared at him for a moment. "dont do that, okay?"
"good luck."
dustin climbed out of the car nd went towards the doors. he walked up to the admin table where mr.clarke was sat.
"looking very snazzy tonight, sir." mr clarke said with a grin on his face.
"thank you, my lord." the boy replied cheekily.

y/n munson got out of her older brothers van nd made her way up towards the doors. she stopped by the admin desk nd said hello to mr.clarke then continued inside to find her friends.
y/n scanned the room nd finally found her friends. she made her way over to stacy nd the other girls.
"guess who decided to show up." y/n smiled.
the girls turned around, a smile forming on each of their faces.
"oh my god you look amazing." one girl said.
"you clean up nicely, munson." another joked.
"yeah, you look nice." stacy shrugged with a fake smile.
y/n felt loved by her friends, not really noticing stacys reaction. the group decided they were thirsty so they made their way over to the punch bowl.

dustin made his way over to his friends, doing a turn as he walked up to them.
"holy shit, what happened to you?" mike asked as the group stood up.
"your hair." max added, her mouth hung open.
"is there a bird nesting in there?" lucas tried holding back a laugh, reaching to touch his hair.
"what do you mean, 'whats wrong with my hair?' theres no bird nesting in here, asshole. okay?" dustin pushed lucas hands away then attempted to fix his untouched hair. "i worked hard."

a slow song started to play, lucas turned to max nd managed to get out enough words to ask her to dance. another girl came up nd asked will who turned to mike in a panic, unsure of what to say. mike shoved will to go dance then took his seat. tis was dustin que to find a girl to ask to dance with him.

the girls all looked around nd shrugged their shoulders, deciding to skip the slow songs since they came as a group. y/n however, wanted to dance with a boy shes had a crush on since he came to hawkins in fourth grade. she jus never had the courage to go up to him nd she felt her friends would make fun of her. they didnt like to mix with the "weirdos. but when the same boy walked up to their group, a ray of hope lit up in y/n. but it was soon put out by the question he asked.

he walked up to a group of girls, who seemed lost in conversation. "stacy." dustin had to repeat her name a couple times before he finally got her attention. he held his hand out nd a smug smile appeared on his face. "shall we?"
stacy looked at her friends then to dusin nd scoffed. "no thanks." she said before the group walked away from the boy.

y/n followed the group but looked at stacy. "that was kinda mean.."
she shrugged. "so? he was a weirdo nd we dont associate with them." stacy replied.
"so you dont have to be an asshole about it." y/n snapped back.
this made stacy stop nd turn to look at her.
"what did you jus say?"
y/n rolled her eyes. "i said you dont have to be an asshole, which you were being. if you dont like the truth then plug your ears."
the group of girls looked at each other then back to stacy nd y/n. stacy was wanting to say something but couldnt find the words nd jus looked away from y/n.
y/n broke away from her group nd looked around for dustin.

feeling a little hurt but not wanting to give up, dustin turned nd saw two other girls standing alone. he made his way towards them but as soon as they got sight of him they walked to a different part of the gym. not knowing what to do, dustin jus stood in the middle of everyone, looking around. he then made his way over to the bleachers nd took a seat, wiping away the tears that started flowing down his cheeks.

having finally found him, y/n made her way towards dustin. "hi.."
he looked up at her nd wiped his eyes quickly. "hey?"
"i-im sorry about my friend earlier. she's jus going through something.. i know its not an excuse but.. im sorry"
the boy sat up a bit straighter, having stopped crying he looked at y/n.
"its fine.."
y/n looked him over then looked out at everyone dancing. she looked back to him.  "do you wanna dance with me.?"
disbelief flashed across dustins face nd he got up. "wait, are you like, being for real?"
y/n nodded her head with a small smile.
"yeah, yeah ill dance with you."
y/n grabbed dustins hand nd dragged him behind her into the crowd of people.

they found an open spot nd y/n pulled dustin to her.
"i-i dont exactly know how to do this.." dustin mumbled.
y/n smiled nd placed his hands on her waist, "your hands go here," she put hers around his shoulders, "nd mine go here."
she started stepping to the music, dustins feet following hers.
"see, there you go. find the music, feel it."
the two started moving in sync nd y/n put her head onto dustins shoulder nd closed her eyes, this being all she ever wanted.

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