Will Byers x Mike Wheeler

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(based on season 3)

will and mike were the best of friends. they did pretty much everything together, along with lucas and dustin. but that all changed when will went missing and a mysterious girl with powers joined the party. after finding will, his and mikes friendship was never the same.

all mike and lucas cared about were girls, el and max to be exact. dustin was off doing god knows what, so that left will feeling left out, not having a girlfriend or even a love life. but will wanted a love life, just not with a girl.

he wanted mike.

he wanted to spend his life with his best friend, who he wished was his significant other. but its the 80's and most people look down upon same sex relationships so will kept his feelings to himself. he sometimes found himself slipping up and almost letting his secret be known, but hes very good at covering it up and quickly changing the subject.

but one particular day, will and mike had gotten into a small argument, and will couldnt keep up the wall that he had been holding up to keep his secrets harnessed.

will was trying his hardest to get his friends to be in the mood for their d&d game he quickly put together.
"do you guys hear that?" will asked ominously, "it sounds like thunder. but, no, wait. thats not thunder."
mike looked at him, unamused.
"its.. a horde of juju zombies!" will exclaimed, slapping down 4 dead figurines onto the table in front of him.
"sir mike, your action"
mike sat up slightly. "what should i do?" he looked to lucas who shrugged.
"okay, i attack with my flail." his tone was dull as he rolled the dice.
will watched the die closely. "whoosh, you miss."
will then went on about the game until mike looked towards lucas.
"oh no, lucas, look my arm." he said sarcastically.
will shook it off then turned to lucas in hopes he'd be more into it. "sir lucas, the zombie horde roars!" he began, "do you fight back or do you run?"
before lucas could answer, the phone line started ringing.
"no! its a distraction!" will exclaimed, standing up as he saw both boys look towards each other then at the phone. "a trap! do not answer it."
ignoring his words, mike and lucas got up and shot towards the phone.
will stood behind the two as mike turned back, bummed it was just telemarketers and not eleven or max.
"the khuisar tribe still needs your help!" will cut into their conversation.
"all right then," mike shrugged, "ill use my torch to set fire to the chambers, sacrificing ourselves, killing the jujus and saving the khuisar."
"we all live on as heroes in the memories of the kalamar."
"victory." lucas mumbled as the two high fived sarcastically.
will tossed his staff to the ground harshly. "okay. fine. you guys win." he threw the purple hat he wore and turned the radio off. "congratulations."
mike and lucas stared at him. "will, i was just messing around."
now ignoring them, will shook his robe off and began shoving his things in a bag. mike went over to him. "we can finish for real.. how much longer is the campaign?"
will stood up straighter. "just forget it, mike!" he snapped nd finished gathering his things.
the boys tried convincing will they wanted to continue the game but with no success, will snapped back at them again.
"i said forget it, mike, okay!?" he looked at his best friend. "im going home." his voice sounded hurt as he shoved lucas out of the way and went up the stairs, mike chasing after him.

will went to his bike, mike following. "will, come on. you cant leave, its raining."
the short haired boy ignored mike. "listen, i said i was sorry, all right?" he looked will over. "its a cool campaign, we're just not in the mood right now."

this caused more anger to bubble inside will. "yeah, mike. thats the problem. you guys are never in the mood anymore." he tried biting his tongue. "youre ruining our party."
the two continued bickering about how mike and lucas have been blinded by their newfound love interests to even realize dustin hadnt been with them.
"youre destroying everything, and for what?" jealousy was starting to show, but will could care less at this point. "so you can swap spit with some stupid girl?" he knew that would upset mike, but once again, he could care less.
"el's not stupid! its not my fault you dont like girls." mike spat out.
will felt his heart hurt and he looked at mike in disbelief. guilt quickly washed over mikes face.
"im not trying to be a jerk. okay?" mike began softly. "but we're not kids anymore. i mean, what did you think, really? that we were never gonna get girlfriends?" will knew the answer but stayed quiet. "we were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?"
will was still hurt by the comment mike had made. "yeah. i guess i did. i really did. but do you wanna know something else i thought would happen?" his voice started to grow shaky. "i thought that itd just be us. our party and you and me, no dumb girls. and to be honest, i wanted it that way and i dont know if youre too dumb or just too caught up in some girl to notice that your best friend is in love with you!" the words poured out so quickly that he didnt even realize what he was saying. "i wanted it to be us, mike! but you cant even give me five minutes to play a game we grew up playing!"
by now, tears were streaming down wills face. mike stood in front of him, not knowing how to react to the information. will, now realizing what he had said, began to cry harder. he was scared now that mike was quiet.
"just say something!" he pleaded.
mike, who could not find any words, just pulled will in for a hug.

will wrapped his arms around his best friend tightly and cried into his chest. mike held will to him in an attempt to calm him down.
"will, look at me."
he kept his head down. mike tilted wills head up by his chin. he wiped the tears from his face. "listen to me. no matter how you feel or what happens between us, i will always be here for you."
will started to calm down and looked into mikes eyes. "promise?"
the taller boy nodded his head nd put his hand onto the side of wills face. "i promise."
the two stood for a moment, looking at each other. will inched closer to mike, who surprisingly didnt move. glancing at his lips, will looked back up at mike.
"c-can i.." he was cut off by mike pressing his lips against his own.
an instant rush of euphoria filled the two boys as they stood in each others arms, lips pressed together.
will pulled away slightly nd rested his forehead against mikes. "thank you.."
mike looked at him, smiling but slightly confused.
"for what?"
"being my best friend.. i love you, mike."
"i love you too, will."

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