Chapter 2

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A few years passed/Blake's POV/RWBYS room—

I am in my teams dorm room alone looking through pictures of me and my dead husband Y/N. The day we met as kids,me and him cuddling in bed as kids and young teens then our wedding pictures and dates,I smiled at the pictures because each one reminded me of the good times we had

Blake:"I miss you hun,I hope Valhalla is welcoming as we hoped it would died in battle like the warrior you've always been and Odin welcomes all warriors within his hall"I said with a smile then a tear dropped before wiping my tears away and sniffled

I heard a door open then my teammates came in as I closed the picture book and locked it with a key before setting it down and putting on my necklace with the ring hanging on the chain

Yang:jumped in my bed"hey Blakey!"looks at my picture book"what's in there?"

Blake:"personal pictures"I said flatly

Yang:"Ohh its your baby pictures is it?"she asked

Blake:"No,like I said it's personal and not going to talk about it or drag this out any further"I said annoyed getting out of my bed and walked out the room heading to the library

3rd POV in RWBY's room—

The team watched Blake leave and was shocked at her attitude about the book. Yang turned her head to the book and saw a key,she grabbed it and back at the book

Weiss:"Yang no!we aren't going through something deeply personal of Blake's!"

Yang:"come on ice queen it can't be that bad"

Weiss:"did you not hear or see how she acted,if we do this we'll lose her trust completely!"

Ruby:"yea Yang it's not worth it"

Ruby and Weiss tried talking sense to the brawler only to fail as she grabbed the book and opened it with the key Blake left by accident as the others groaned in disappointment

Ruby:"sometimes I wonder if you're really the older sibling out of you and Ruby"she said rubbing her temples

Yang:"Blake has a husband?!"

This got the two teammates to look at Yang in shock....they both dashed over and looked at a man with H/C H/L hair with E/C eyes and S/C skin. He is very handsome and Blake looked extremely happy,probably the most happy they've ever seen her

Weiss:"he has a Viking vibe to him"she said referring to a picture of him sitting on a chair with a mug in hand"he's probably drinking beer in that mug"

Ruby:"ohhh!look at that armor and axes he has!"she said pointing at a picture of him wearing his battle gear

Yang:"I see why she was with him~"she said as Ruby punched her"oof!what was that for?!"

Weiss:"that's her husband you buffoon!"

Yang:"ok yea you're right"

Weiss:"look at their necklaces"she said pointing at the medallions they both wore,Blake wore silver while the other wore the gold"they either made them for each other or bought them which is a fortune"

Ruby:"she looks beautiful in a wedding dress!She looks soooo cute with her husband!"she said pointing at the black wedding dress Blake wore

The team heard the door open as Yang closed and locked the book and put the key where it was as Weiss and Ruby dashed to the heiress bed and cuddled. Blake entered the room holding 2 books of Norse Mythology then walked to her bed and sat down and began reading. Yang looked at her sister and heiress as they shook their heads no

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